
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Guacamole, Mexican Style

While in Mexico, I had a few things I wanted to do. One was to see the Mayan ruins. Check. Another was to watch my Mister snorkel. Check. Yet another was to learn to tread water (because I sink like a stone) in the salty Caribbean Sea. Check.  I also wanted to take Salsa dancing lessons. But after some careful consideration, and a reality check from my Mister, I gave up that dream. You see, I can't dance. Not because I'm white, but because the sounds in my head are far louder than the beats coming from the boombox.

Kind of like Elaine from the television show, Seinfeld.

Now, that girl can move.

Okay, maybe I'm not that bad, but learning to Salsa was not going to happen on this trip. So I appealed to my Mister's primal instincts. Food. Specifically guacamole.

The resort that we stayed at offered a guacamole class (incidentally, right after the Salsa dancing class!),  taught by their head chef. Never mind that we were swimming in the pool when the class was announced. And really never mind the pictures of me with swimmer's hair and orange skin, while wearing a wet t-shirt.

I beg you.

In order to recreate this at home, I opted to leave the swimsuit and the sunburn out.

You're welcome. ☺


1 ripe avocado
1-2 Tb. finely chopped tomato
1 Tb. minced onion (or less, depending on your preference)
1/2-1 Tb. minced jalapeno, seeds and membrane removed (again, use what you prefer)
1/2 Tb. fresh cilantro, chopped fine
1/2-1 Tb. fresh lime juice
pinch of sea salt
First, remove the large pit in the center of the avocado. In order to do this, take a knife and slice around the entire avocado, top to bottom.

Gently twist to separate the 2 pieces.
Take your knife and very carefully, hit the blade into the pit. Just as carefully, twist the knife to remove the pit.
Pretty cool, huh? The Mexican people have it going on.
Using a spoon, scoop out the avocado from the skin and place in a bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork until it's smooth and creamy.
Don't be alarmed...that jar of yellow liquid is my first attempt at making ghee. Honest.
Add the remaining ingredients and stir well.

Serve with your favorite non-GMO tortilla chips.
Fresh guacamole does NOT keep well, so it's best to make this right before you need it.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Where I've Been, and What We'll Be Eating

Hola`! After a month-long blog "sabbatical," I'm officially back. Not that I had a choice of coming back, after all, my family knew where I was and would've used whatever means necessary to haul my tail back home.

So, where was I? Well, part of the time, I was busy packing for a trip abroad. The other part? I was mentally preparing for a child-less trip to Cancun, Mexico. After taking numerous road trips over the years with 9 or 10 children in tow, it takes a completely different mind-set to ready oneself for an adults-only resort vacation. Oh, but what a quick learner I was!

A view of the Caribbean Sea from our 10th floor hotel window

Being a creature of habit, I'm not one to venture too far from home. I have a healthy fear of flying, don't like large crowds, and am a somewhat (☺) of a control freak. My only expectations were to take a nap on the beach and have someone else cook meals for me that didn't make me sick. I thought with my expectations low, I couldn't be disappointed. But I ended up conquering fears and living out dreams I never even knew I had

On the island of Isla Mujeres

I embraced my inner Audrey Hepburn and glammed it up on a white sandy beach.

Shortly before we headed in to a 3-1/2 hour couples massage/pampering. Glory be. That was my idea of a vacation.

The Mister and I rediscovered what it was like to be responsibility-free, if only for a few days.

I embraced the sunshine...

Within 2 minutes, my little chameleon friend turned as orange as I was.

...even though it didn't embrace me back.

I became one with nature.

In the jungle, where it was habanero HOT!

Iguana's everywhere! I called this one, Gus.

And the Mister & I held a shark. Okay, it was toothless and a vegetarian, but it was a shark and we're darn lucky to be alive. *wink*

Little did we know, there was a second shark in the pen with us.

I was able to share in the joy of seeing my Mister fulfill his life-long dream of captaining a catamaran in the Caribbean, and I even witnessed Jesus taking the wheel.

Captain Jesus and my Mister sailing the catamaran and all 45 passengers back to the Port of Tortuga (It really exists!)

And finally, I was able to see a piece of history that I have dreamed about since I was 10 years old. The Mayan ruins...even though most of it was seen through sweat and tears of joy. (Have I mentioned that it was hot?)
Brother, sis-in-law, me, and the Mister at the Pyramid of Kukulcan ~ Chichen Itza Ruins

Las Monjas or the Building of the Nuns

The Temple of the Jaguars

The Astronomical Observatory, which was still hidden among the jungle vines less than 20 years ago.

Now that we've gotten the hang of how to relax and be tourists, we'll be doing this again next year...with a little extra sunblock and a whole lot of expectations. ☺

Because I couldn't bring the fabulous chef's from Cancun home with me, it's time to get back to real-life meal planning. Here's what's cookin' this week...

Cinco de Mayo Casserole, guacamole (recipe coming this week!), tortilla chips
Raw Greek Yogurt (recipe coming), fruit of choice, toasted almonds
leftover Cinco de Mayo casserole, green salad with Kefir Ranch Dressing
Speltcakes with peach puree "syrup"
Butternut Squash Enchiladas (new)
Baked Peanut Butter Oatmeal, banana
Meatloaf, roasted Rosemary Red Potatoes, green salad with balsamic vinegar/olive oil dressing
Cinnamon Spice Granola with raw milk
Parmesan-crusted tilapia (new), Risotto, steamed broccoli
Barbequed chicken, Roasted No-Mayo Potato Salad, fresh fruit
Homemade Barbeque Chicken Pizza (gluten-free)