
Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions 2010

As most people do, I tend to make New Year's resolutions.

And by January 2, I've forgotten them. Or decided that they weren't really that important.

This year, I decided to try something a little different.

I'm going to set some really easy, attainable goals. One's that will boost my ever-fragile, New Year's failure rate. Goal's that will pull me out of the January 2 depression funk.

No brainers.

Here's a list that I'm working on. Remember, it's just a "working" list, so it's subject to change...probably on January 3.

Goals for 2010

#1. Make sure that I get the first cup of coffee. And the second. (The grounds get stuck in the throat.)

#2. Watch more HGTV...and take notes.

#3. See how many pots and pans I can dirty during the preparation of each meal.

#4. Assign dish duty to someone else.

#5. Cook every dish in my new cookbook, "Romancing the West".

#6. Try not to gain more than 10 pounds.

#7. Don't worry about 2009's 10 extra pounds.

#8. Stop obsessing over 2007 and 2008's extra pounds.

#9. Turn another year older.

#10. Try not to cry uncontrollably for the week prior and the week following said birthday.

#11. Reset goals if these seem too difficult.

I may be speaking out of turn, but I think I may be able to manage these! See, already my self-esteem is boosted!

I'm ready.

Bring on 2010! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!


  1. AH! How I love these goals! I even LOL'ed!

    Happy new year!

  2. Happy New Year!!!

    Great new year goals, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a little cry around birthday

    May the New Year bring you and the family abundant blessings :)


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