
Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Quick Break...

I'm going to take a short break to celebrate a very important holiday.

No, not Valentine's Day.

I've given up on that one.

This is even better.

Our 23rd wedding anniversary.

I was going to have some posts ready to go, but honestly, I got so excited to have a weekend away, with no children, that I totally spaced out.

That happens sometimes.

Seems to be more frequent these days.

As an anniversary present to ourselves, we bought a new laptop. And since my Mister is out on a coffee run, because we can't live on love alone, I've decided to play with the new computer.

You know, just to make sure that it works.

I love new toys.

They bring....Oops. He's back!

Time to give my Mister my undivided attention.

At least until my tummy starts growling.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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I love reading your comments!