
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Menu Plan for 3/8-3/14/2010

Once upon a time, there was a mom, who, feeling frustrated with the monotony of preparing one dinner after another, decided to go looking for inspiration. This mom, leaving her capable family with the chore of mending fences, decides to search for enlightenment in the freezer section of the shed.

She opens the freezer door, takes a quick glance from top to bottom, and proceeds to pull out a basket to examine.

Then the lights went out.

20 minutes later, she awakens to find a frozen turkey lying next to her on the floor, a chill in the air and a massive headache the size of Pittsburgh. There was some blurred vision too, but that's neither here nor there.

Apparently, the frozen turkey was trying to make a run for it. During the great escape, the bird rolled off of the top shelf (nobody knows how it got there) and landed on the head of the clueless mom, knocking her out cold.

When she had gathered her wits, she stumbled out of the shed, turkey in hand and beckoned the family. They came running.

They thought that mom had lunch ready.

Not only did the family get to prepare their own lunch, the mom ended up with a concussion and a goose egg that made her hair stand out straight.

The moral of the story is this...use up the grub in the freezer before it turns against you!

So, this week, I'll be using food from the freezer.

My life depends upon it.

Here's what's cooking...

~Soaked oatmeal w/ blueberries
~Pb&J sandwiches, oranges
~Spinach fettuccini w/ Pesto sauce, green salad

~Fruit smoothies, sourdough toast w/ raw honey
~Leftover chili nachos
~Crock-pot chicken w/ Peanut Sauce, brown rice, steamed asparagus (Wednesday recipe)

~Fried eggs, sourdough toast
~Corn Dog muffins, apple slices, brownies
~Beef enchiladas w/corn tortillas, applesauce

~Baked oatmeal w/ canned peaches
~Toasted tuna/cheese sandwiches, apple slices
~Black bean soup, cornbread

~Scrambled eggs, toast
~Homemade tomato soup, Cheesy crackers
~"No bun" onion cheeseburgers, sweet potato fries, cottage cheese w/ peaches

~Waffles w/ sauteed apples & cinnamon
~Lentil burritos w/ sourdough tortillas, (scroll down on this link to find the tortilla recipe), tortilla chips w/ lacto-fermented salsa

~Beef stew, sourdough bread, Key lime pie

By the way, that is a true story. It happened a few years ago and I was reminded of it (yet again!) while digging around in the freezer today.

Guess what we're having next week?

For more meal ideas, visit The Organizing Junkie!


  1. Oh my gosh Kim, I thought this JUST happened to you! I't bad enough though that it did- just a while ago!
    Hope your food in the freezer is more friendly in the future! :)

  2. Great grief..hog tie that turkey and put him in the bottom. He was trying his best to escape..and that's a dangerous thing to get in the way of.. :)

  3. GREAT story! Thanks for sharing your meal plan and reminding me to keep an eye on my freezer.


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