
Monday, April 12, 2010

Gratituesday...A Returning Soldier & Gardening

I feel very blessed today.

This morning, I was serenaded by a Pavorotti-in-the-making, otherwise known as Frisky Biscuit, who thinks "he's all that".

Until someone had to help him down.

How embarrassing for him.

I went out to the greenhouse to water the seedlings and found that a salad will be on next week's menu plan!

And discovered that tomatoes will not.

This is a month's worth of growth. I can feel my thumb turning brown....

I feel blessed that we have a local farmer's market that just happened to have an older lady selling heirloom tomato plants. Most people are waiting until May to set theirs out.

Because the sun is shining, I made a little stop at the garden center to pick up a few more plants...

With fish fertilizer and a little love, my $6 worth of plants will put the $30 hanging baskets to shame! (At least, that's the plan!)

I feel blessed that our transplanted climbing roses didn't suffer from shock and are happily reaching heavenward.

I feel blessed that we had some dirt and a little grass seed to patch up all the holes from dogs and moles!

I also feel blessed that nobody thus far has twisted their ankles in these holes.

I feel blessed that this little bed has been weeded by my son and is waiting for the artichokes to be planted.

My daughter, Heather, blessed me by planting different mints again and asking if this could be her very own garden.

I feel blessed that she likes to get creative in the garden and figured out a way to train the sweet peas to grab onto the fence. (These are hazelnut suckers that she weaved into the fence.)

I feel blessed to have a husband who shares my vision for self-sufficiency and organic farming.
This is one of the two beds he built...

...before realizing that 2 wouldn't be enough!

And finally, I feel blessed, privileged and honored to welcome home our son-in-law, who has been in Iraq for the last 8+ months.

Even if he couldn't stop kissing our daughter.

I feel blessed to be in on the surprise that not everyone was privy to!

Welcome home Jake.


  1. Oh I LOVELOVELOVE the last 3 pictures! I'm a little teary-eyed. Bless him, tell him my family & I say thank you!

  2. So awesome! What a great gratiTuesday!

  3. Priceless. Welcome home, Jake.

  4. This is my first time to your blog that I discovered from Heavenly Homemakers. I too am counting my blessings and have a step-son in route from Iraq after spending nearly a year there. We are thankful for God's provision in keeping him safe and we are thankful for his new appointment to West Point. My Lord is awesome!!!

  5. What a beautiful post all the way around.

    Thank you, Jake, for your service!


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