
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dirty Toes

I have come to the realization that my children see me as a predictable person.

Something I never thought I was.

I mean, c'mon...I have 9 children!

Nobody saw that coming.

Including me.
Walking out into the living room, my youngest son noticed my freshly painted toenails.

I thought that since the sun was shining, it was time to bring out the flip-flops and open-toed sandals.

Matthew saw something else entirely.

He saw weeding in his future.

I asked him why he thought that.

His response?

"When you paint your toenails, it means that Dad is going to rototill the garden and you're going to kick off your shoes and run around barefeeted. That's why girls paint their toenails. So they don't have to wash their toes in the summertime!"

I suppose I could tell him the truth, that Momma feels pretty with painted toes, but what would be the fun in that?

I'm going to keep him guessing for awhile.

Maybe I'll even shave my legs on a rainy day.

That'll show 'em just how unpredictable I really am!


  1. LOL. Reminds me of IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE.

  2. I LOVE his reasoning..... they way their minds go is...... well, I don't know what it is. :)


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