
Wednesday, May 5, 2010


One of the first recipes that our family tried from the Nourishing Traditions cookbook was the pancake recipe. We loved pancakes, but knew that the Krusteaz was not going to do us any favors in the long run of life. In fact, it gave us horrible gut-aches and some distress in the intestinal region. (Need I say more?)

These have become our new go-to pancakes...and they're "user friendly"!

Speltcakes~The Nourishing Traditions Way
2 cups freshly ground spelt
2 cups buttermilk (I use raw buttermilk)
2 organic, pastured eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 t. sea salt
1 t. baking soda
2 Tb. unsalted melted butter
1/2-3/4 cup filtered water
coconut oil for greasing pan
Soak flour in buttermilk overnight. The next morning, stir in remaining ingredients. Add enough water to thin to desired consistency.
Cook until bubbles form, then flip over.
We like to add blueberries while the pancakes are cooking. Serve with butter and maple syrup.

*You can use whole wheat or kamut, but then you'd have to rename the recipe!


  1. Looks great! I like that you add the blueberries while cooking. Great Idea!

  2. Yum! Well, I am going to finally do a blog post about menu planning because I need to post Phase 3. I keep forgetting that I am trying to lay out a plan.... yikes.

    Thanks for the encouragement. Wish me luck.


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