
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Break in the Rain

Yesterday, the weatherman informed me, along with a lot of other Pacific Northwesters, that it was the first day of summer.

I suppose if he were originally from, let's say, Antarctica, it may feel like summer.

Especially if he is part penguin.

But we P.W.'s know better.

Summer does not start here until July 5.

I demand a retraction.

Or some sunshine.

Not everything is disappointed with the weather though.

I decided to take a long distance picture of the garden. Trust me, it looks much better from here.

There are 8 people eye-balling these 6 berries.

Wonder who will win....?

My money is on the family of robins, camped out on the fence.

And this little guy? getting ready for this on Sunday!

But more on that later...

1 comment:

  1. Do you guys ever get sunshine? Congrats on your grad. Bittersweet, isn't it.

    The garden looks great. I like the long term view :)


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