
Monday, August 2, 2010

MPM 8/2/10

Can you believe that it's already August? Time is flying by and what there is left, seems to be in short supply!

Look what my daughter, Heather, found in the garden yesterday.

Didn't we just plant the garden?

I'm sure I don't remember, but what a nice little surprise!

While my Mister and brother-in-law worked on wiring the kitchen over the weekend, my sister and I worked on homeschool curriculum.


We now have some new baby chicks in the coop. Apparently, one of our broody hens decided that 40+ chickens weren't enough for us, so she took matters into her own and snuck 'em in.

Those are added to the meat chickens that we haven't had time to butcher yet.

I think they're planning a riot.

Other plans for the week include; a visit to Sauvie Island for cukes, making pickles, hanging sheetrock and the new kitchen door, and painting the kitchen ceiling.

It's a good thing my Mister's vacation is almost over.

Here's what's cooking in the basement this week...

Fruit Salad w/ Cayenne-Lemon Mint Syrup (new), baked chicken, sourdough bread

Dinner with my wonderful in-laws

Honey-Hoison Pork Tenderloin (new), garlic mashed potatoes, spinach salad w/Asian dressing

Spinach Chicken Salad, sourdough bread


Cheese Tortellini Pesto Salad, Farmer's Market salad

For more menu ideas, visit The Organizing Junkie for Menu Mondays!

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