
Friday, October 1, 2010

My Distractions and a Giveaway!

So, in all of my busyness of daily life, a certain milestone has come and gone. Last week was my one year blogiversary. I new it was coming and had planned some new things for it, but then things started to happen.

I got distracted.

It happens.

I know. It surprises me too.

Lately, I have been obsessed with something big. Bigger than a blogiversary.

Bigger than Wynken, Blynken and Nod making a bed out of the goat feeder.

My obsession doesn't allow me to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like the "kids" frolicing...

...or the "awwww..." moments of Nod tasting his first dried leaf.

As I've continued to spiral into my distracted madness, I've barely noticed that it's autumn and the leaves are changing.

Just barely.


 I'm having a difficult time finding the joy in a job well done.

Like this lap quilt that took me 2 years to make.

Nope. My daily thoughts, actions, dreams and yes, nightmares are consumed with...

Darn you Pioneer Woman.

The only way to beat this madness is to meet it head-on.

And I might as well have a positive attitude about it.

At least until one of these babies attaches itself to my thigh.

My friend, Heather at Mountain Home Quilts is having a giveaway. Head on over to her blog and sign up to win some adorable Halloween fabric from Thimbleberries!


  1. Look at you in your cute apron, in your new kitchen baking up all kinds of yummy goodness! :)
    Thanks for sharing my giveaway! :)

  2. Don't get me distracted too! I've got chickens to process and stuff to get done before I give in to baking!!! :)

    They look sticky and fantastic!


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