
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Adventure Begins...

Valentine's Day, 1987, was the beginning.

Some might say, the beginning of the end, but not me.

That was the day that I married my one true love.

While it may have been the end to some things, like loneliness, the dating scene, and being the third wheel to those friends who had found love, it was an end that I happily enjoyed seeing come to a close.

After 24 years, 9 children, 3 sons-in-law, (almost) 4 grandbabies, and countless other milestones, the adventure continues.

Starting yesterday.

This week, we are on an anniversary road trip.

Just the two of us.

And our cellphones.

And laptop.

And emergency numbers for all of the kids and family members who so graciously took our brood.

To allow us "alone time".

24 years and counting....

 Somebody might want to inform housekeeping that we're supposed to be alone.

That could've been embarrassing.

1 comment:

  1. AW! Happy anniversary honey (almost). I still find it hard to believe you have GRANDBABIES!!!

    Have tons of fun!


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