
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Coconut Curry Peanut Sauce

Warning: If you suffer from a peanut allergy, please avert your eyes now. I cannot be held responsible for any computer screen licking that may come from continuing with this post. Of course, I wouldn't blame you if you did.

Of all the flavors in the world, or at least in my neck of the world, peanut is my favorite. And chocolate. Especially chocolate and peanut butter together. And coconut. And lime. Oh, and I can't leave out blueberries. Okay, maybe I should begin again....

Peanuts, coconut milk, lime, and curry equals the state of eternal happiness, otherwise known as nirvana. (I'm not Buddhist, I looked it up.) It also equals low carb, so there is no guilt. Unless of course you add chocolate and blueberries, but that would just be weird. For 1/4 cup serving, there are only 6 carbs. And even though most of my favorite flavors are in this sauce, I didn't use an entire 1/4 cup. I showed great restraint with my meal.

I used a scant 1/4 cup.

I have absolutely no idea where this recipe originally came from, but I know that it was quickly jotted down in one of my trusty notebooks by yours truly. I'm currently on my fourth notebook of miscellaneous recipes.

At some point, my organizational skills are going to have to be reevaluated.

For now though, I'm going to have some more peanut sauce and dream about chocolate-covered blueberries.☺

~Coconut Curry Peanut Sauce~
(A Low Carb Recipe)

~The Players~
3 Tb. coconut oil
2 Tb. Red Thai Curry Paste (found in the Asian section of the grocery store)
1/2 t. ground coriander
1/2 t. ground cumin
3/4 cup skinless, unsalted peanuts
1 can coconut milk (not light!)
1 packet of stevia or the equivalent of liquid stevia
Juice and zest of 1 lime
3/4 t. sea salt

Grind peanuts in a food processor until dry and crumbly, but not a peanut butter consistency. Set aside.

Heat coconut oil in skillet; add curry paste and fry on medium heat until fragrant, but do not let it burn.

After about 30 seconds, add the spices and cook briefly to release flavor. Add coconut milk, peanuts, and stevia and whisk until smooth. Bring to a boil and cook a few minutes until slightly thickened.

Season with lime juice, zest and sea salt.

Drizzle over chicken, serve as a dipping sauce, or serve it over rice.



  1. OMG that looks wonderful! I'll have to give that a try! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Me, too, on the peanut butter...and chocolate. :) Your recipe looks and sounds delicious and is going on my "must try this" list. :) ~Lisa


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