
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pork Broccoli Stir-Fry

Funny Story...For my birthday dinner I requested this stir-fry. Being on a lower-carb lifestyle change, this was a perfect way to fill up without plumping up. And because it was my birthday, my request was bound to be honored.

Of course, I was the one honoring the request since I'm the resident chef. Even on my birthday. With the Mister layed up recovering from surgery, it was either the stir-fry made by yours truly, or German pancakes made by my girls.

With white flour.

Topped with powdered sugar.

And probably raspberry freezer jam.

Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin...

Now, where was I? Oh yes, stir-fry. Everything went according to plan. I had all of my ingredients, which in itself is nothing short of miraculous, my wok was clean, and I was hungry. So hungry in fact, I forgot to take pictures until the empty plates were being loaded into the dishwasher.

Funny, right?


Hello? Is this thing on?

So, where did the picture come from, you ask? That is "trick" photography, of which I am a new student of. In actuality, that is what was left in the wok. A measurable size of about 3 Tablespoons.

On a little, tiny plate.

Zoomed in.

I found the original recipe in the Belly Fat Cure book, but I've "tweaked" it a little. The spice level can be adjusted with the red pepper flakes; I found it to be fairly mild for the amount that was called for.  For the 8 people other than myself, the stir-fry was served over brown rice. Mine was served over additional bean sprouts and honestly, I didn't miss the rice.

Or the German pancakes.☺

~Pork Broccoli Stir-Fry~

~The Players~
2 lbs. lean pork tenderloin
3 Tb. sesame oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
2-3 cups broccoli florets (I used more.)
3 medium-sized carrots, sliced
2 stalks celery, sliced
2 cans water chestnuts, drained and sliced
2 cups mung bean sprouts (Found in the produce section, or sprout them yourself!)

Sauce: 2 packets stevia (I used Truvia)
2 t. red pepper flakes
1/2 cup Tamari sauce
2 Tb. balsamic vinegar
3 t. toasted sesame oil

Garnish: 6 green onions, chopped

Slice the pork into 1-inch pieces. Heat wok over medium-high heat; add the 3 Tb. of sesame oil and garlic. Fry for about 1 minute. Add the pork and stir-fry for 5 minutes. Add the vegetables and continue to stir-fry another 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk the sauce ingredients together. Add to the stir-fry and cook another 5-7 minutes or until vegetables are tender and the pork is cooked through. Remove from heat and stir in half of the green onions, reserving the rest for the garnish.

Serve over brown rice or additional bean sprouts. Serves 8. 


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