
Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's Hay Time!

Haying season has finally arrived. We knew it was coming, and we knew it was late. What we didn't know is that the entire family would have, or be recuperating from strep throat.

Haying for us is a very serious affair.

The kids "offered" to ride over to the hay field so we weren't so cramped in the truck. How thoughtful of them.
See the buildings in the distance? That would be Jabez Farm!
I was the designated driver, Kody was the designated goof-ball, I mean hay "tosser", and Heather was the designated stacker.
My Mister thought it was more manly to bring the bales to the truck.
Back at our farm, the hay was stacked into the loft of the shop. My Mister decided to build a ramp to elevate the back of the truck high enough to make tossing the bales easier.

His sons told him that his contraption didn't look strong enough.

After a lot a moderate amount of respectful heckling by the audience, my college-educated Mister rethought his plans.

Perfect height!
The loft is usually off-limits to our younger kids, so stacking hay gave them plenty of time to explore.

My guess is that a herd of deer wandered up the ladder and couldn't figure out how to get back down, or, the boys found the den of the ever elusive jack-a-lope.

My money's on the jack-a-lope.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This post is linked with The Homestead Barn Hop


  1. That looks like fun! When parents enjoy doing something, kids normally do, too! I enjoy sitting on a bale of hay for a corn shuckin'. The ground is just not the same. :)

  2. Love that the kids offered to "ride" over. Gosh, what they won't do for a little fun...

    Looks like a good day. Are you still in recovery from strep? YAK!!!

  3. Hope you all are swiftly and fully recovered from your strep outbreak! I'm sure you're thankful for the incredible summer weather that has finally arrived here in the NW--just in time for haying. Love the way you weave a bit of humor into your posts; I always get a chuckle when I visit here. Blessings to you and yours, ~Lisa in Yacolt

  4. You guys got it figured out. Hay time is so hot. We always say you loose your winter weight in a few balings

  5. Great post, we have a lot of friends who are bringing in hay right now as well. Looks like you made a hard chore into a fun family time!!


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