
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Farmgirl's Alter Ego

What does a farmgirl do when she is not battling unruly turkey teenagers...

"Party's over and it's past your curfew. Get inside the coop!"

...Or trying to convince a 1,200 pound steak that the grass is most definitely greener on the the other side of the fence...

"Yes, I did say butcher truck! Don't you mess with me buster!"

She goes to the river for some relaxation with her Mister.

And tries to convince herself that she is really a fisherman woman.

This Navy ship was close enough to see that we hadn't caught anything.
Except their wake.
And a log ship's wake.

With all that relaxation eluding her...

...she packs the camper and heads for quieter waters.

Where she can truly become the fisherman woman she was meant to be.

(It's time for a little vacation with the family, so I'll see ya'll next week!)


  1. Have a great time, my dear! Hope you get all the relaxin' in that you possibly can!!

  2. Thank you! I plan on it~even bought sweet tea mix-in-a-can...:)


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