
Monday, August 8, 2011

A Lesson in Pickle Patience

(Photo credit)
It's no secret that one of my favorite places to visit is Sauvie Island. Known by the locals as the place to go for every kind of berry, I love it for other reasons too.

The problem is that I love "The Island" a little too much.

It's not enough for me to just go for the berries anymore. It feels wrong not to visit at least 3 of the farms out there.

And it's downright sacrilegious to not purchase something from each farm.

Even though my own garden is growing the same produce.

Patience still eludes me.

Besides coming home with another 54 lbs. of blueberries (the first visit resulted in 46 lbs.), a 10 lb. bag of pickling cukes somehow found their way into my car.

Really, it's all a blur when I'm on "The Island".

Have I mentioned that my garden is perfectly capable of growing pickling cukes?

On Thursday, I canned these little island beauties.

On Sunday, I canned these. From our garden.

Early Monday morning, a walk down to the garden yielded these.

And to think, before that little garden jaunt, our day was to be spent on "The Island".

Picking cukes.

Just in case the whole garden thing didn't pan out.

Monday evening's garden walk.
I guess "The Island" is going to have to wait.


  1. I've done the same thing. Look at it this way, everyone needs to support these farmers or they'll be out of business.

    Great pics

  2. Its good to have a place like that where you just lose yourself. And you're right, the farmers need the support too. But I'm happy you had a harvest from your garden, too! Never can have enough, right?


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