
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Meal Plan for 9/4/11

I was robbed!

At least I think I was robbed.

Of summer, that is.

September is our busiest month of the year. It is the time when all of our labors start to bear fruit. Literally and figuratively. Canning season is in full swing with the green beans being the new superstar of the garden. 'Bout time too, they almost missed their own show! I scored a 28 lb. box of Italian plums that are now tucked away in the freezer, and put up 24 quarts of tomatoes. The Elberta peaches will be in this week (a local produce stand), and our 25 meat chickens will be relocating to a much cooler climate.


And all of this is happening during the fall run of Chinook salmon!


Needless to say, our home school is not beginning this week. In fact, with the arrival of September, we are seeing temps in the 90's, which means that we'll be doing our "nature studies" down at the creek.

Or on the river.☺

Here's what's cookin' this week...

Grilled burgers, Blackberry Cobbler (new!)


Chicken Quesadillas, Mango & Black Bean Confetti Salad

Barbecued Pork Chops, Roasted No Mayo Potato Salad, Spinach Salad with Asian dressing



Horseshoe Sandwiches (new), raw veggies w/ Ranch Dip

 Because of the busyness of this week, I've only planned our dinners. We'll be having a lot of Yogurt Smoothies for breakfast's, and lunches will be determined "in the moment".

As in, "Get it yourself, I'm fishing" kind of moments.

Hey, I'm just doing my part to provide for the family...


For more meal planning ideas, visit Menu Mondays!

1 comment:

  1. Green beans???

    We picked our very first one on Sept. 1. My daughter came running up from feeding the rabbit and cats full of excitement and exclaimed:

    "We got one!!"

    Thanks to this warm weather, we've now got a bunch and I'll be putting some up this week. Busy, busy.




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