
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spicy Cowboy Fries

Forget for a moment that you're now looking at a partially eaten plate of food. My dinner to be exact. I got so excited about the sweet potato Cowboy Fries and the fact that after dishing up 10 other people, there was still enough left for me that I forgot to take a pre-noshing picture.

I'm a simple gal who likes fries. And salad. And deer steak. With a side of organic ketchup.

Getting simpler by the moment too.

I don't know why we started calling these "Cowboy Fries"; we're not cowboys, don't own a horse, and only eat on the trail if we're lost and stumble upon a huckleberry bush. I "swagbucked" Cowboy Fries and came up with several recipes that look nothing like mine. That said, it would be weird to change the name now, so unless I'm threatened with a copyright lawsuit, the name stays.

Besides, I'm much too lazy to come up with another name now.☺

~Spicy Cowboy Fries~

~The Players~

4 Tb. grated Parmesan cheese (in the can)
1 t. ground cumin
1 t. sea salt
1 t. paprika
1 t. chili powder
1 t. chipotle chili powder
1/2 t. onion powder
1/2 t. garlic powder

Mix ingredients together.

Use or store in a sealed bag in the refrigerator.

This is enough to season 2 cookie sheets full of fries.

To make fries: Cut potatoes (regular or sweet) into wedges or fry strips and place in large bowl. Drizzle with olive oil making sure all the potatoes are covered.

Sprinkle with seasonings; stir to coat.

Place on cookie sheets and bake in a preheated 450F. oven for 30-40 minutes, depending on size. If you like them on the crispy side, it may take a little longer.

 *I've used this on roasted veggies, as a barbecue rub (without the Parmesan), and to season green tomatoes before frying. If you want to cool down the spice a little, decrease or leave out the chipotle powder.



  1. We too love sweet potato fries and I believe its the cumin that makes them special. Your pics make my mouth water. Guess what we will have for super tonight?

  2. Ooohhh...I LOVE sweet potato fries and spicy is even better! Thanks for the recipe!

  3. These look great, I love sweet potato fries, I have a few sweet potatoes in my kitchen, I should give these a try- yummy!

  4. I just got a bushel of sweet potatoes and was wondering what to do with them (besides Thanksgiving, of course.) Definitely going to try this-thanks!!


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