
Sunday, February 19, 2012

a change in plans

Meal plans, that is.

Since finding out that I'm allergic to almost every one of our planned meals for the month, I decided to just "wing it" for the remainder of February. Problem with "wingin' it" is that I never received my wings.

Not even honorary ones.

Truth is, I'm so bad at not planning, that most of my meals have consisted of yogurt and frozen berries. I've tried to mix things up a bit though. 

Sometimes I eat my yogurt in a coffee mug instead of a bowl.

Since one cannot live on yogurt alone (Or can I?), I had to pull up my bootstraps and research some tasty gluten-beef-chicken-salmon-peanut-egg, and soy-free meals. Believe it or not, I came up with more than belly button lint and composted dirt. 

And even better? I'm looking forward to dinners again.

This is my meal plan. The rest of the family is continuing with the original February plan.

Here's what's cookin' this week...

Breakfasts will be: Peachy Millet Muffins, Cranberry Apple Spice Muffins, GF Biscuits w/sorghum butter, Yogurt Smoothies 

Fried oysters (using cornmeal) w/tamari & wasabi, green salad w/lime vinaigrette


Beet Spaghetti w/ricotta (new), green salad w/Italian vinaigrette



Spicy Thai Noodles (new)

Lunches will consist of leftovers from the night before.

And if there are none, I guess it will be yogurt and frozen blueberries.

Maybe I'll even have them in a bowl.☺


  1. I love your 'mix it up in a coffee mug" line- that's so me! and yes you can live on yogurt alone, I think. :)

    You might want to check out Ann Marie @ Cheeseslave's class on Reversing Food Allergies. We've had a lot of success with the GAPS diet and healing food intolerances in our family. :) I'd be happy to share our story if you're interested, but I really recommend her class too! :)

  2. I'm glad you found some new things to try and meals that will fit in with your food allergies! Yogurt would get a little tiring after awhile!


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