
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

And The Winner Is....

 Definitely receiving the Ball Blue Book of Preserving. 
Minus this exact cover.
 Apparently the Ball people decided to change things up a bit, so they replaced the above cover with this one...

But don't judge a book by it's cover, this is still the exact same book. With a facelift. And something delicious on the cover.

Trust me, it's just peachy

Sorry. I couldn't resist.

So, without further ado...

The official winner, courtesy of Random.Org, is...


Congratulations Aimee!!!

Please send me an email with your address to: kimberlyj9 @ live . com (no spaces) and I will send your new book to you!

Thanks to everyone who participated! Stay tuned for another giveaway soon...☺


  1. Congrats Aimee!!
    Don't worry, the rest of us will just sit at our computers and cry. Never mind another thought our way. We will survive. Just thinking about that great book. All Day. For about a week.
    Really. Congrats.

    Really ;)

  2. Congratulations to Aimee!! :)
    Wait, doesn't this mean they should now call it the "Ball Yellow Book"? Just sayin'

  3. That's what I was thinking...;)


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