
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Time-Saving Potato Brunch Bake

Please excuse the flourescent photo~someone forgot to turn off the flash.

Sometimes life can be complicated. Cows don't calve when they're supposed to (still waiting), children refuse to clean their rooms when asked (and instead draw you a very nice picture~as a  gift), appointments get scheduled at the most inopportune times (who PURPOSEFULLY makes a well-child checkup at 8:30a.m. when it takes 30 minutes to get to town?), etc...Sometimes, a gal just needs a break.

Cooking everything from scratch takes dedication. It takes effort. And it takes time. And sometimes, there just isn't enough time to go around. Those are the moments where something has to give.

Because Mom is just about to break.

This recipe cheats a little on the whole food concept. You could use cooked, diced or shredded potatoes from your own garden (which would be fabulous), but since we're talking about saving time, I used tater tots. Why tater tots?

Because they are gluten-free.

And sometimes, that's good enough for me.☺

~The Players~
2 t. olive oil
2 c. Colby cheese, shredded
2 c. Monterey Jack cheese, shredded (mix the 2 cheeses together)
1-1/2 pkg. (32 oz.) Ore-Ida Tater Tots (these are GF, I don't know about other brands)
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
12 eggs, whisked
1/2 t. black pepper
8 oz. thinly sliced deli ham, chopped (or 1 lb. bulk sausage, cooked and drained)
1 small sweet onion, chopped
1 sweet red pepper, diced
1 c. diced tomatoes
2 Tb. chopped chives
Preheat oven to 450F. Lightly brush an 9" x 13" casserole pan with 1 t. olive oil. (I used a Pampered Chef medium bar pan.) Lay tater tots in a single layer in pan.

Take pictures of your goofy adult daughters "helping" in the kitchen.

Sprinkle 2 cups of cheese over tots and bake for 13-15 minutes, or until they start to brown.
Using a mixer, beat cream cheese and eggs together. (They may be a little lumpy.) Add black pepper.
In a small pan, saute onions and ham in remaining olive oil until onions are soft. Stir into egg mixture.
Pour egg/ham mix over tater tots.

Return to oven and bake 8 minutes, or until eggs are set in the middle. Remove from oven and add remaining cheese, tomatoes, and chives. Sprinkle with more ground pepper, if desired.


  1. First, I am a secret Tater-Tot Lover (not secret any longer, obviously) so, this bake is going on my "must-try" NOW list. Second, you do not look old enough to have adult daughters...!!

  2. I was going to say the same thing about your daughters!! LOL!!
    I think I need to re-visit Tater-Tots. Seems like a handy thing to have around. The casserole looks yummy even with the flourescent light! :)


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