
Monday, April 26, 2010

The Air I Breathe...

I wanted to name this post, "If I Only Had a Million Dollars", but somehow that didn't seem like an attitude of gratitude.

I mean, we're supposed to be content and bloom where we're planted, right?

Then I realized that I'm blooming right down the road from one of the prettiest places I've ever seen.

And I can visit it whenever I want to.

For free.

This is an old homestead that at best guess, was probably built in the late 1800's. The old farmhouse and barn are long gone, but some of the outbuildings are still there.

Site of the old barn that burned down a few years ago.

An old hay storage shed is still standing though.

The old hog house and chicken coop are still standing, but barely.

So is what appears to be an old outhouse!

The Mister and the Son-in-law, shooting the breeze on a Sunday afternoon.

The old butchering area has seen better days, but there was a pile of bones still there.

The family standing in front of the old root cellar.

Or what was left of it.

This little creek helped keep the temperature in the root cellar cool.

Now it's just a fun place to play on a warm, summer day.

And it's a place where we'll spend a lot of time.

And continue to dream....

Please join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers.


  1. What a beautiful ranch, full of memories, ideas and a different way of thinking.

    Thank you for sharing. Your family is beautiful.

  2. What a fun place to visit. I love having farms, fields and "wildnerness" nearby, too. I actually wrote my post this week about my kids', our friends and my brief adventure to one this week.

  3. what a great place to poke around in search of "treasure"!

  4. I would love to visit this place. I would also love to think about who lived there and how they lived and what went on there. I am a history buff.

    Have a wonderful day.


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