
Saturday, April 24, 2010

MPM 4/26/10

Saturday morning, with the sun shining, my Mister and I headed in to our farmer's market. With latte in hand, we made a plan of how to get in and get out, without buying something from every vendor.

We had a plan. And it was going to work. After all, how many tomato plants does one family really need? Not to mention, there is a very limited supply of fresh spring greens in April, so this was going to be a piece of cake.
Until we pulled into the parking area. That's when we noticed that the size of the market had doubled since last week. It's still early, so it's not at its maximum capacity, but is still larger than the previous 3 weeks.

This was NOT going to be easy. In order to support everybody there, we needed to visit everyone there. And we knew that we were going to have to rethink our plans.

We started at one end and found an organic farmer who had heirloom tomato plants. Green Zebra, Purple Cherokee and Brandywine to name a few. We chose 6 more plants to add to our 16 that are happily resting in the greenhouse before heading to the next vendor who had organic herbs.

Oh the smell coming from this area! Starts of basil, oregano, lavender, thyme, rosemary; it was intoxicating and I could only fantasize about the plants they would become.

Then the wind started howling, the black clouds rolled in, and a torrential downpour soaked us in a matter of seconds.

Running back toward the car, we managed to grab enough greens to complete our meals for the week. Two different vendors who unbundled enough to take our money and send us off with sympathetic smiles. (They, of course, were under awnings!)

Curly lettuce, spinach, lamb's quarters, Swiss chard, radishes

Here's what's cooking this week...

~Scrambled eggs, elk sausage
~Maple/Walnut Scones, Plum Smoothies
~Baked Salmon, leftover baked beans, green salad

~Peanut butter & honey sandwiches, blueberry/maple yogurt
~Elk roast, risotto w/Swiss chard, devilled eggs

~Buttermilk pancakes
~Berry smoothies, Maple/Walnut Scones
~Chana Dal Chowder (new), spinach salad

~Soaked oatmeal w/blueberries
~leftover chowder, sourdough bread
~Macaroni/cheese/broccoli, applesauce

~Fried eggs, toast
~Tuna sandwiches, organic tortilla chips & salsa
~Couscous & French lentil salad (new), grilled burgers (no bun)

~Baked Peanut Butter Oatmeal
~Spicy black beans, sourdough tortillas, green salad

~Simple Supper Sunday

1 comment:

  1. I love farmers markets, we have one about 40 minutes drive from here.
    I don't get there often but when we make the trip it's hard to drag me away!!


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