
Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Pause for Station Identification...Beeeeeeep....

This week has been super busy. Remember the list on Sunday? Well, it grew.

For Mother's Day and my birthday (in a few days), my daughter and her boyfriend got me 2 tickets to see Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum in concert!

No purple dinosaurs. No dancing Wiggles. No Big Bird on ice skates.

A real concert.

In Seattle.

The only other concert I've been to was to see TobyMac, Matthew West and Jeremy Camp a couple of years ago. It was amazing.

Did I mention that my husband had the stomach flu?

I'm also trying to fit in a movie date with my daughters and sister. Then there is my nephew's birthday, where he will be turning the wonderful age of 7. Can't miss that.

What am I forgetting....?.....Oh yes, and Sunday, after church, my Mister and I are heading north (again) to pick up our bees!! Since we're "newbies", we also get an instructional time.

Bees sting. And they make honey. That's the extent of my beekeeping knowledge. Guess I really need this class!

I'm still working on my son's graduation scrapbook. Up to page 5 now. Got a kink in my neck from looking down. Probably going to stay on page 5 until Monday.

Did I mention that he's being honored at church on May 30? Which is also the date that I need to present him with his finished scrapbook.

Because an unfinished scrapbook would be no memory worth keeping. At all.

Of course, it is one he would remember...Hmmmmm.....

So, I am taking a couple of days off. In fact, I started tonight. My daughter made biscuits and gravy with elk sausage for dinner. No vegetables in sight.

And I was just fine with that.

Have a blessed weekend and I'll see you on Sunday!



  1. That is a really, really busy schedule. I hope you can get it all fit in..... you will, I know.

    Did you get your garden planted also? Hope the hubby feels better soon.

    Enjoy the bees. My brother has been learning about bees. I would like to learn but...... better stick to chickens this year.

  2. I think for the next birthday of mine I'm going to BEG for Bees. I've wanted them now for a few years and hubby keeps putting me off! :)
    Happy Early Birthday to you! Hope that you enjoy your special day....and the concert!
    Hope your DH gets well soon, being sick is no fun.
    Enjoy all the other million things you have to do too!

  3. Cindy, no, the garden isn't finished yet...the clouds sprung a leak and it hasn't been fixed yet! It looks like this week might shape up to be gardening weather...if one doesn't mind mud...which I don't! :)

    Heather, Thanks for the birthday falls on Cody's graduation Sunday...*sigh* I'm really excited for the bees!

    Hubby isn't sick this time was for the TobyMac concert...we were staying in our camper at an RV park next to the concert...between camper visits and him disappearing for long stretches of time, it was NOT a fun first concert! I'm hoping this time is better ;)

  4. You are in for a great time tonight! Tim McGraw in concert in mesmerizing. We are going to the Portland show Sat night. Great blog by the way!


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