
Monday, September 20, 2010

The New Kitchen Revealed!

While we were on our little mini-vacation, my Mister and I decided to check out an antique shop. My goal was to find some old rolling pins for the new kitchen, his goal was to just make it out with a little money left in his pocket.

But, we both liked this little guy. He's a craft project from the 1940's, made entirely out of seeds! And since it is from the 40's, I am quite sure that these seeds are not only organic, but also non-GMO seeds! How perfect is that?

New kitchen, new attitude, new memories.

First, a reminder of the former kitchen. Notice the soffits? Please notice the soffits and not the cluttered counters!

When this house was built (1969), there weren't as many gadgets and gizmo's for the kitchen, so this size was appropriate for getting the job done.

Enter 2010 and the modern pioneer chick. I like to bake my own bread and ferment things on the counter, but really, this was a fire alarm just waiting to sound off!

Because there was no pantry, we had food scattered all over the house, tucked in closets, under beds and in the garage~not to mention on top of the fridge!

That was then.


This is now.

We still have the tile backsplash to add, but right now, we're just happy to have a kitchen!

And the pantry problem?


I cannot describe the joy I feel... have all of the food... one place!!!

See the drawers under the stovetop?

My cast iron pans finally have a home.

Remember the old doorway?

As you can see, I did find my rolling pins!

The problem now?

What to do with all that room!

Later this week, I'll share with you a technique for preserving your butcher block or wooden cutting boards. It's frugal, fun and makes the hands so soft!


  1. Kim!!!! Your kitchen is beyone gorgeous!! I am thrilled for you...not to mention super jealous of that pantry! ;)

  2. Kim the new kitchen is beautiful!! I am so happy for you. Love reading your is very fun. Went to a sustainable living class this weekend and got lots of ideas-did you know I am homeschooling Abigail?

  3. I love the new kitchen! But I'm sure not as much as YOU do! It is beautiful. Ya'll did such a good job. I bet you will make many good meals and memories in your brand new kitchen. And I love the roo. Nice touch.

  4. All I can say is WOW. It is stunning!!!! I hope to some day have a kitchen and pantry like yours. Enjoy it for me!!!!

  5. That is one rockin' kitchen! It is so much fun to work in a kitchen where everything is there instead of all over the house!

    Great job guys...I especially love the little butcher block area for rolling and baking...groovy! Kim


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