
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Venison Stroganoff

As a young newlywed, I had illusions of my new hubby and I standing side-by-side in the kitchen, preparing our meals together. Or, at the very least, I'd cook, he'd clean.

This is the stuff that should be covered in pre-marriage counseling.

It would save a lot of disillusionment.

While things didn't exactly go according to my silly dreams, I did find out a very important detail about my Mister.

He CAN cook.

If he has to.

A couple of months into our new marriage, I came down with the flu. Not just a 24-hour bug, but a full-on-knock-ya-to-the-ground kind of flu. Here I was vomiting profusely in front of my beloved and I hadn't even let him see me without my make-up yet! I thought that was me at my worst, and if he could love me with my head resting on the side of the porcelain throne, we could withstand anything.

Then we started having children.

I guess the flu was just preparing my hubby for what was to come.

Back to the new husband decided that all that was needed to make his sweetheart better was a good hearty dinner. So, he took it upon himself to introduce me to his version of Beef Stroganoff.

I wish I could tell you how much I loved his meal. What I can tell you is that I loved the effort he made to make that meal.

Fast forward 24 years, and through no fault of my Mister's, I am finally able to eat stroganoff again.

I'm just sorry for all the time that was wasted.

~Venison Stroganoff~

~The Players~

2 lbs. venison, sliced thin (can use beef if preferred)
1/2 cup flour (can use rice flour)
4 Tb. unsalted butter
1 onion, chopped
2 cups fresh mushrooms, sliced thin
2 cups beef stock
1 tsp. tamari sauce
1 cup sour cream
salt & pepper, to taste

Slice the meat very thin. It helps if the meat is partially frozen.

Add flour and mix well. It helps if this is done in a bowl.☺

In a deep-sided frying pan (I used a cast iron chicken fryer), melt the butter. Add the meat/flour and brown. Add the onions, mushrooms, broth, and tamari sauce. Cover and simmer for 1 hour.

Remove from heat; add sour cream, mixing well. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve over whole wheat egg noodles, brown rice, or potatoes.

This would work in a crockpot too. Brown the meat, and dump everything but the sour cream into the pot. Cook on low 6-8 hours. Before serving, add sour cream.



  1. I knew I liked you! This is what we had for supper last night. Slightly different recipe, but same meal. Venison is about all we have left in the freezer. :)

  2. That look so yummy. We are hoping to bag a deer this year. I hope. Love your blog. Keep it coming. God bless

  3. This looks delicious!


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