
Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Gardener's Dream...and Some Other Farmy Stuff

What a busy, busy week we've had! The fact that we broke our record for most days without rain, which was previously 2, should've been the highlight of our week.

But there was more fun in store.

If you missed my post on our new turkey poults, go here. I'm going to give a quick lesson on incubating eggs. The directions say to mark one side of the egg with an "O" and the other side with an "X". Easy enough. But if you get all cocky and say "I already know what I'm doing", and don't read the fine print, you'll miss out on a very important detail.

The marking is to be done with a lead pencil.

Not a permanent marker.

We're calling him X1. He has 4 other siblings, with the same markings, that we are calling X2-5. The two who are mark-free have been teasing the others mercilessly. It looks like we may have to separate them.

Since my back surgery, I've been trying to be careful with my stooping, lifting, twisting, and missteps. I wasn't sure how gardening season was going to play out this year as I have a few more months before I'm officially "released" to be normal again.

Whatever that means.

We had a pile of cedar fence posts that were either too short, or fat, or twisted to use for fencing, so my Mister repurposed them for raised garden beds. I think he wants to make sure he's not stuck with all of the gardening...very smart man!

The beds are 7' x 3-1/2'. The ends were notched to fit together, then a spike was driven through to hold them in place. After that, chicken wire was stapled to the bottom to deter any unwanted critters.

We filled them with some composted soil.

Between the 12 beds, we rolled out some white mesh-y type material. Then we added some walk-on bark. I dare any weed to penetrate that fortress.

Shhh...please don't tell my doctor...I'm just trying to find my "normal"!

Just one more load of bark should do it!

After we had finished for the day, it was time to plan.

Since I'm a visual learner, I needed a visual.

There will probably be a little extra room by the potatoes to plant dahlia's, zinnia's, and miniature sunflowers. Maybe I should put it on the plan?

Finally, the time has come to check Tilly-mook to see if she is with calf. Since we've never checked a cow before, my Mister decided to educate himself with an online video.

Apparently, "How to Palpate the Fundus of a Cow" is an actual subject that requires actual "tools" of the trade. Namely rubber gloves that go up to the armpit and lots of lubricant.

"You want to WHAT?"

Personally, I think we should just ask her and save her the humiliation of a palpating.☺


  1. Wow! You've been busy! I'm tired just reading it! Great job!

  2. I will not tell your doctor...I promise! I am very interested in your raised garden beds...and will be watching them closely (still trying to figure out what I want to do as far as gardens at the new house...)

    And OH MY GOSH I cant' believe about the permanent marker! I remember when we incubated we were told to use pencil, but I always wondered what would happen if you really used permanent marker. Like is it a big deal? Awwwww. I think he's a cutie and the mark is great!!

  3. I love the X1-X5! That is great lol. I like your garden too! Don't over-do it!

  4. Your hubby has some guts! :)
    Glad your garden is started.

  5. Wow! Looks busy, but productive at your house! And that has got to be one of the sweetest looking cows I've ever seen. :) Thanks for sharing this with the HOmestead Barn Hop this week!

  6. I love the raised garden beds!

  7. You have cracked me up! The raised garden looks great.

    Ok, no permanent marker on eggs. Got it.

  8. Your beds look great! I'm putting a few up by our house right now, and am planning the same weed barrier and bark idea. :)

  9. I had no idea that permanant marker would do that! Your raised beds look really nice :O)

    *Christi jo*

  10. Your beds look absolutely wonderful. Good luck with them.

  11. The little ones are adorable! I'm glad I'm not the only one that hasn't planted the garden yet. I'm afraid I don't have your good excuses though. Poor Tilly. I've decided I'm just going to wait to find out if Maxine is bred.


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