
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Quiche Lorraine

"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."

Before sitting down to plan out our meals for the week, I do a quick inventory of the refrigerators, pantry, and freezers to keep our grocery costs low. Of course, reading other's blogs with their tempting recipes usually adds extras to the list, but I try to start with a base of items already in the house. For instance, we bought an old hamburger cow a couple of years ago, so many of our meals were planned around ground beef. Another year, we had a seemingly endless supply of canned tomatoes, so I learned every way possible to use canned tomatoes.

This time of year finds us eating a lot of egg dishes. In fact, we currently have so many eggs, the chickens have become my nemesis of sorts. I'm sure they're mocking me every time another hen lays an egg. Our refrigerator has become a target and the chickens seem to be backing up and shooting the eggs straight into it!

That explains all the cackling going on in the henhouse.

This week, my grocery list consisted of two items; fresh cilantro and dried cherries.


Because right at this moment, eggs are my life.

One of our favorite ways to use eggs is in a dish called, "Quiche Lorraine". I'm sure I don't know Lorraine, but if I ever meet her, she can expect a big hug from this Momma hen! This recipe has become a new staple in our home and by using different meats and cheeses, it's like having a new dish every time!

~Quiche Lorraine~
 (Low carb)

~The Players~
6 whole eggs
4 Tb. half & half
Tabasco sauce, to taste
salt & pepper, to taste
coconut oil or butter, to grease muffin tin
1/4 cup Swiss, mozzarella, cheddar, or any favorite cheese
3 green onions, chopped
8 strips of bacon, cooked and chopped, or 1/2 cup ham, pancetta, or cooked sausage

Preheat oven to 350F. Whisk the eggs, half & half, and Tabasco until combined. Add the cheese and onion; season with salt & pepper. Grease a 12-muffin tin with coconut oil or butter. Divide meat into each muffin cup and top with the egg mixture.

Bake for approximately 18-20 minutes or until a knife inserted in the middle of the quiche comes out clean. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

I double the recipe and use the leftovers in sandwiches, or wrapped in tortillas.

Do you have an abundance of eggs from over-achieving backyard hens? Other than sellling them, giving them away, or sneaking them into guests' cars, what are you doing with your extra eggs?

This post is linked to The Barnyard Hop.


  1. Kim~ Love this idea! My boys would love these handy little quiches. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds great and so simple! These could be made ahead and warmed as needed! Thanks!

  3. Thanks! I hope to have lots of eggs soon and I love copying these types of recipes for when I do. :)

  4. I can SOOO relate to your egg delemma. I've frozen quite a few dozen for the lean months, dried more dozens for the dog feed (hoping to find other ways to use them in this form)and eaten them in every way possible lately. The heat is starting so the girls should be slowing down soon. Next, the loved Zucchini onslaught.

  5. So, I know that this post is older but I have a question for you... Have you ever made a lot of this and then froze it? Would that work? Would the consistency turn out bad when it came out of the freezer? We're getting about 18 eggs per day here and I still have 3 hens that haven't quite started laying yet. That's a lot of eggs per day to use up!

  6. Heather~These can be frozen, but the texture changes a little bit with a microwave. I don't have one anymore, so I'll have to try reheating in the toaster oven. These will last up to a week in the refrigerator too! :)


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