
Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Busy, Busy Week of...Rest?

Summer is tough. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but by May, we have to hit the ground running and can't seem to stop until October. While I'm ready for the rains to stop by March, I'm almost giddy when they start up again in October.

It means we can finally rest.

And by rest, I really mean, we can start on our indoor project list!

Now that the sunshine is spending more time in the sky than the rain clouds, the garden is responding properly. In fact, we just planted our second crop of lettuce and spinach. In another week, we'll replant the beets and Swiss chard, and shortly after that, we'll add turnips to the garden.
The green beans are starting to climb the hog panel "arbors".

Spinach, Blood Red Beets, and Bright Lights Swiss Chard

The first zucchini of've been warned!

During the 4th of July festivities, my Mister raced in his second cardboard boat regatta. Last year, his team took third. This year, they took first! They also got first place in the "Best of Show" category. The planners and builders of the boat did a fantastic job of taking an almost 30 foot Hawaiian catamaran, made entirely of cardboard, and turning into a lean mean rowing machine. Congratulations to the Peacehealth/Lowe's team!

The winning boat, "Wiki Wiki Emua".
During my blogging hiatus, I decided to do a little painting. The problem with deciding to do a "little" painting is that it is never "little". Paint one wall and it makes the other 3 look tattered. It also made the garage sale hutch I purchased 4 years ago look like junk. So I fixed it. And then some.

The living room used to be a rusty orange color, now it's "Cinnamon Sugar". Yum.

This garage sale hutch used to be a nondescript dark brown. Now it's a lovely "antique" color! And I did it!☺

We still have all 25 of our meat chicks. They seem to pretty happy in the coop, but we're getting ready to bust them out and make them earn their keep in a new chicken tractor.

Just as soon as we build it.☺

1 more week until the chicks get moved to grass~6 more weeks until butchering day.

We've had a coyote problem around here lately. Because of this predator, we lost Ethel (one of our beloved momma turkey's), and Elvis. If you haven't met Elvis, look at the banner at the top of my page. He was our favorite 'roo and will be missed. Currently, we are on coyote watch.

It's not looking good for the coyote.

Our 2 chocolate turkeys, Nestle and Hershey, are doing well. Of course, Nestle's real name is Nestle the Second, as the first one met an unfortunate end. They will join the remaining 4 poults in the tractor as soon as the heat lamp isn't needed anymore. It looks like we'll have 1 Tom and 5 hens.

Some would call Tom lucky.

And finally, an announcement. In exactly, give or take, 8 months, we will be the proud grandparents of...

Waltzing Matilda "Tilly-mook" is expecting!

a calf!

Tilly is finally "with calf" and we are ecstatic beyond words!

Maybe I should knit her something?

Hop on over to the Homestead Barn Hop for more farm fun!


  1. Nice job on the painting-you're hutch is beautiful!

  2. I really like the color in your living room and the you did a wonderful job on the hutch.

    Do you make bread with the Zucchini.

  3. Thank you~it was so much fun that I'm going to hit some more garage sales next weekend for some more "treasures"!

    Alana Jo~yes! We make a lot of zucchini bread. We also grate zucchini and freeze them in 3-cup measurements for use during the winter.

  4. That is one really pretty garden you have! I've always wondered though how much of a hassle it is to work up the soil at planting time if your beds are too small to use a tiller in? We have our first garden this year after moving to the country recently and just canned our first produce: Beets!

  5. Susan~The beds would definitely be a hassle to use the tiller in, but since they're small, we just use a hoe & rake. After the beds are done for the summer, we'll cover them with tarps to help keep the weeds down until next year. In 4 or 5 years, we'll take the beds apart, plow the entire garden, and put the beds back together again with fresh composted soil! At least, that's the plan! :)


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