
Monday, July 11, 2011

Homeschool Curriculum for the 2011-2012 School Year

'Tis the's that time again to pull out all of the curriculum catalogs that have been piling up on the counter since February! If you haven't ordered your curriculum for the upcoming school year, you'll want to do it soon as July and August are the busiest months for filling orders. Remember when ordering to have a list first as it's very easy to get carried away with all the amazing resources out there!

Nineteen years later, those catalog's still spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E for me. I must learn self control....

Here is our curriculum list for the 2011/2012 school year.

~Grade 4/5~

Easy Grammar 3/4 (older copy; now the books are separated by grade)

Copywork from Paths of Exploration

History~Paths of Exploration (continued from last year)

Science~Included in Paths of Exploration

Reading/Narration~Little House books
Childhood of Famous Americans: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Sacajawea, Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Robert E. Lee, Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Pocahontas

Bible/Character~Included in Paths of Exploration

~Grade 8~

Story Starters: Helping Children Write Like They've Never Written Before

Colonial Life Unit Study

Sticky Situations 365 Devotions for Kids and Families
Home Ec/Life Skills

~Grade 11~

Story Starters: Helping Children Write Like They've Never Written Before

Foreign Language~Rosetta Stone Spanish (beginning in January 2012)

This list may seem excessive, but we do NOT do all of these at once! I do not schedule Art, P.E., or Music because I don't have to. Give a kid a place to run, brand new colored pencils & drawing pads, and beginning piano books picked up from garage sales, and the children find time to do these activities on their own.

They get the credits, and I get a few minutes to myself!☺

This list will be under its own tab at the top of my homepage. And if you have any questions about different curriculum's, feel free to ask!


  1. Love Teaching Textbooks, its what we use here. I have just started making the list of what we need for the coming year. I love that you say make a list because its SO easy to get carried away!

  2. Very impressive. What blessed children you have, such a devoted mama

  3. We just started using Paths of Exploration a few months ago. We are on a break from school right now, but we do enjoy it.


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