
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Meal Plan for 8/8/11

Can you believe that it's August already?

Ya, me either.

It seems summer was but a fleeting moment, here in one, gone in the next, leaving us SW Washingtonians dreaming about what might have been.

Don't get me wrong, I am extremely grateful for the rainless days. What I am missing in the summertime equation however, is heat. Not triple digit heat like some are experiencing, but the kind of heat that makes you want to tear off the fleece and invest in some new razor blades!

I've lowered my expectations and am now just hoping for an eighty-degree day.

In anticipation of what could be, I spent my Saturday in the kitchen, preparing for the heat that may never come. In my own little "preparedness" program, I made zucchini bread, sourdough tortillas, cookies, Peasant bread/pizza dough, roasted a chicken and some sweet peppers, and shredded enough zucchini to fill several quart-sized bags.

If the heat ever decides to show itself, I'll be ready.

Even if my legs aren't!☺ 

Here's what's cookin' this week...

Taco Salad

Taco Omelette's, Zucchini bread
Grilled Barbecue Chicken Pizza (carried from last week)

Yogurt Smoothies, Zucchini bread
Creamy Spaghetti, garden salad

Scrambled eggs, deer sausage
Tangy Potato Salad (new), sauteed Swiss chard w/ garlic, roasted chicken

Salmon Fish & Chips (baked sweet potato fries), garden salad

Macaroni & Cheese (new recipe), Zucchini Fritters

cereal, Zucchini bread
Chicken Quesadillas on Sourdough Tortillas (using leftover chicken from Thursday)
For more menu ideas, visit Menu Mondays at I'm an Organizing Junkie.


  1. I hear ya! Our recent sunshine did my garden good last week; I'm still holding out hope for at least one ear of corn.

    We still have a wool blanket on our bed -- weird, huh?! Where is our summer? Bet it snows in October...

    Blessings, ~Lisa

  2. Too bad we cannot just send you some heat! I stuck my head out the door at 6:30 AM to see if maybe it was cool enough to eat breakfast in the screen porch and it was already hot. It just never cools down here in SC this summer. My tomatoes are not producing because it is too hot. I have one tomato per plant and when I pick that one another will start to grow. My 105 containers of flowers are not blooming all that great because it is too hot and they are conserving energy. I am wondering why I am going out into the heat everyday to water them.

  3. Just starting to get a lot of zucchini and green/yellow beans. I plan to make zucchini bread tomorrow.
    Still have an explosion of salad greens! They LOVE the cooler weather.
    Our corn is looking pretty pitiful :( I don't think we'll get many ears.
    I planted patty pans for the first time ever. I'm hoping to get some!! The plants look beautiful...the flowers are just starting.
    I tried these cute delights last year at the beach. They were served with salmon. YUM!!
    Susan :)


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