
Monday, October 31, 2011

Meal Plan for 10/31/11

Since this week will be our first full week of school, I have started planning lunches again. Not that my children weren't eating lunches during the summer, but I left it up to them on most days. That meant that they decided, created, produced, and cleaned up.

You know, the good 'ol days.

Other than school, this week will be busy with appointments, a butcher truck, apple butter, and weighing turkeys.

Weighing turkeys? Yep, you heard right. I'm not entirely sure how one goes about weighing a live turkey though. Will they stand still on a typical bathroom scale? Do I need to weigh them first thing in the morning, before they have breakfast? Will weighing them start a terrible cycle of yo-yo dieting that will only lead to depression and low self-esteem?

Oh wait. We were talkin' turkey. Never mind. Forget I said're getting sleepy...

I tend to overthink, overplan, and overreact to situations. When someone asks what the live weight of a turkey that they are buying for Thanksgiving dinner is, I panic. I think of industrial-sized scales. I think of lassos and nets. I think of wearing chain mail and carrying a sword.

(photo credit)
And then someone reminds me that these are not full-sized turkeys. These are the equivalent of oompa-loompa's or munchkins in the turkey world. And then I calm back down and decide to lose the chain mail.

I'm keepin' the sword though. Just in case.☺

Here's what's cookin' this week...

Kodiak pancakes, caramelized apples
Summer sausage, cheese slices, crackers, sliced apples, Peanut Butter Dip (new)
Chicken strips, Spicy Cowboy Fries (I'll share this week!), green salad, biscuits w/ honey

cereal, English muffins
Tuna sandwiches, sliced apples
New Orleans Red Beans & Rice (still new), cornbread, green salad

Baked bean dip, pita chips

Crispy Cheese Crackers, Summer sausage, apple slices

Baked Potato Soup, Apple Dumplings (Eat Your Way Through the USA/Washington)

Cincinnati Chili, green salad

cereal, toast
Navy bean soup w/ ham hocks

This post is linked with Menu Mondays at I'm an Organizing Junkie.


  1. You had me cracking up with that whole turkey weighing story!! :)

  2. Funny post, funny pic, great menu! We used to raise turkeys for sale and we just weighed them dead and sold them for $3 a pound and people bought them because they tasted good. Really good. Charge what you need to and don't sweat it


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