
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

And the Winner Is...

First~Thank you to everyone who entered my first giveaway! I was blown away by the responses.

Second~There are a lot of people with way more ambition than I.

Third~Because I don't like to feel less ambitious than others, I've added a few more goals to my our list.

Fourth~My Mister is now on strike.☺

So without further delay, here is how we drew for the winner...

I wrote all of your names on a slip of paper, then folded them so they were approximately the same size. Then I placed all 49 of them into my small-necked IKEA pitcher.

That's where the trouble began.

The only hand that seemed to be able to reach into that incredibly small-necked pitcher belonged to a cute little 3 year old. (Who bought that pitcher anyway?)

Maddie drew a name and I asked her to read it.

According to Madison, she won!!

That's what I get for enlisting the help of a pre-reader based solely on the size of her hands.

I asked Maddie to hold the winner's name up high.

Then I asked her to stop wiggling so I could take the picture.

She couldn't.

So I took matters into my own hands.

Congratulations to Carolyn Renee!!

"#7 - Hay feeder for the goats. Our goat yard is constructed using cattle panels so I put the hay outside of the pen, in a large tub or 1/2 a blue rain barrel (cut long ways) so they have to put their heads through the cattle panel to eat. Although it doesn't entirely reduce the hay wasting (man does that drive me NUTS!!), it does help. #11 - Hoops for greenhouse. Cattle panels are expensive (that's why our goat pen is not as large as we'd like it), so we used PVC pipe to create the hoops over our raised beds. If you want to see ours, take a loot at: And although I'm also trying to clean out my bookshelf, I have to admit that I would love for a chance to win that book. Put my name into the cyber-hat please!
 Oops, almost forgot! ONE of my homesteading goals (admittedly, I have the same spiral-notebook filled to the 33rd line with items!) would be to get grapes established this year."

Carolyn Renee~you can send your mailing address to and I'll get your book sent right out!

And for those who didn't win this book~I'll be having another giveaway very soon, so keep a weathered eye on the horizon!☺


  1. Congratulations! You all dont forget about the give away over on

  2. Congratulations to Carolyn Renee! I love her idea for feeding the goats through the cattle panel...if only I had disbudded them. (grumble, grumble)

  3. WHOO HOO!!!!!!!
    I'm so excited I could pee!!
    Thank you thank you thank you to the little Random Name Generator!
    (can't stop grinning)

  4. This post...and Carolyn's response, made me smile! :) Congrats!

  5. Congratulations to Carolyn Renee!
    I didn't know Misters could go on strike...let's just keep that little tidbit of info away from my DH, ok??

  6. Congratulations Carolyn Renee and I'm with Mountain Home Quilts, definitely gave me a chuckle too.

  7. Congrats Carolyn Renee! Very happy for you! :) What comes around, goes around!


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