
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

C'mon Weather...I Have a Plan!

Remember me talking about a little ol' website called Pinterest? And do you remember anything about me maybe mentioning a certain addiction I may or may not have?

Well, it's bad.

Real bad.

See, there are literally thousands of people on there, sharing ideas, recipes, DIY projects, places to visit, and all kinds of other things. Some of it is trivial, meaningless to most, and probably only important to a few. Then there are those things that I like to call...

The Others.

Since Spring is a little ways out (Blame it on the groundhog!), I thought I'd share with you some of my personal favorites.

Just to give Spring a little incentive.☺


~Farm Stuff~

~Outdoor DIY Projects~

~Kitchen Tips~

This Cabinous Feverous is going to be the death of me yet.

C'mon Spring!!!

Are you on Pinterest? Let me know and I'll stalk follow you!

Have you entered the giveaway yet? Drawing will be tomorrow evening, so hurry!


  1. I am not in Pinterest although I've heard a lot about it. Looks like they have some fab-you-luss ideas on there...probably a ton of them...which is a reason why I should (and should not) partake in the awesomeness (evilness) that is Pinterest. And as far as the weather, I give up. Warmest winter we've had in MN since 1877, least amount of snow since 1931. Let the grass fire season begin!

  2. Though are some great DIY projects. I have a couple I am gonna be posting soon, that I dug out of someones trash. lol

  3. LOVE the chicken waterer idea....I pinned that on my board. :) Might have to try and incorporate that idea into our new hen house plans. :)

    Pinterest IS SO ADDICTING! I have it on my phone too...great way to kill time while I'm waiting on a kid somewhere. :)

    I'm with you...spring needs to get here! I am BEYOND ready to dry my clothes outside, get my hands in the dirt and have some fresh green leaves on the trees!

  4. I like the feet on the galvanized tubs, the bean house and the goat feeder! Very cool!
    I avoid Pinterest like the plague, I barely have time for Blogger! LOL!!

  5. Oh my, you had me at the chicken waterer!!! Please don't tell me that just gathers it's own rain water to water the chickens because then I would HAVE TO make one seeing as we get gallons of rain (which you too are familiar with.) That is just genius!!!

  6. Oh I like the looks of the chicken waterer. Some of the other stuff looks cool too!

  7. I too love Pinterest! So many ideas, so many that my brain feels like it is going to explode after looking at it! Love it tho and I love your blog!


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