
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Life is in the Details...

This was a busy week.

The sun shone for a few days and brought some warm east winds with it.

So I dried towels.





In February.
My Mister had some repair work done on his truck.

The tractor store just happens to be right next door to the Les Schwab building.

I said the same thing about the health food store being right next door to the fabric store, therefore, not my fault if I just so happened to wander in...

Didn't work for him either.

The tractor store has a "try before you buy" policy. Well, not a policy per se, but my Mister must've looked eager enough that the owner was willing to do anything to close the deal.

While trying, the entire field was dragged.

And the driveway was widened.
I informed my Mister that we really didn't need a tractor anymore as he managed to get all the chores done during his "trying" spree.

Then he let me drive it.

Rockin' the jammies and the orange tractor...once I learned how to raise the bucket!
I'm seeing a tractor in our near future...

...even if it isn't pink.

This week, I spent a lot of time in the sewing room,

Kelsie is wearing the chicken, and Heather is modeling the Christmas apron. I know. I'm a little behind.
where I finished a couple of adult-sized aprons.

Maddie wanted everyone to know that she loves her apron too! (Even though she got hers for Christmas.)

There was plenty of cooking, crafting, reading, and a Jungle Book and Peter Pan movie marathon. Would you believe that I had never seen the Disney (cartoon) version of Peter Pan? Unless my memory is getting as fuzzy as my math...

But the highlight of my week?

Playing peek-a-boo with a certain little teething monkey.

Even if Emmie kept hiding in the same spot over and over again.☺

I recently read a quote that I need to remember when life begins to get too busy.

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."

Life is in the details.

Have you entered the giveaway yet? You only have until Wednesday~I'll be drawing a winner the evening of 2/15!

This post is linked to the Homestead Barn Hop!


  1. I want a tractor too! That is so cool that he got all those jobs done while just trying it out. So now you don't need a tractor? My maiden name is Schwab I don't see that name alot, especaially around here in the South) and when I saw you mention Les Schwab I had to ask what kind of store that is. I am always looking for new family members. Great post!

  2. Les Schwab is a tire store here in the Pacific Northwest. Oh I'm sure we could find some other projects to do with a new tractor! :)

  3. You all have a really nice place. What is that little building in the first picture?

  4. Thank you~that's our little greenhouse which is about to be put back into use! :)

  5. We would SOOO love to have a tractor but it just isn't in the budget right now!
    Love the picture of the drooling baby and the quote!


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