
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Storing the Kombucha

♥♥Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the prayers and words of encouragement that you have given me over the last few days. I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds it, and in Him I will rest. My heart is full.♥♥

Peach/Raspberry, Pomegranate, and Blueberry Kombucha ready for a second ferment

A couple of weeks ago, we had a little incident with our kombucha. 

It wanted out of the bottle in the worst way.

Oh no!!

Since it was time to bottle our current batch, I decided to try a different method of storage.

Leave 1 inch of headroom in the bottle to keep too much pressure from building.

The kombucha is placed in an old insulated cooler and kept in the garage for its second ferment. This will keep the temperatures more consistent and hopefully keep the booch inside the bottles until ready to refrigerate.

Now if the booch goes boom, I'll be ready!☺

*This batch turned out beautifully. The carbonation was just right and the juice made it into our drinking glasses, not all over our faces. Which is always a good thing!

This post is linked to The Homestead Barn Hop
                                   The Morristribe's Homestead Blog Carnival


  1. Hey Kim. You have got to post how you are doing your Kombucha. I have been making this for going on 5 years and have tried different teas and sweeteners but when I strain the tea for drinking, I just leave it on the counter for a day then put it in the fridge, So you are making a more carbonated drink? Please tell me how! It looks SO good and maybe I could get the grands and hubby to drink it this way.

  2. AND you must have several gallons going to make all that?

  3. mmmmmmmm looks good. love the jars you have the komboucha in. i'm still playing with mine and trying new kinds. the kiddos love it too. currently have strawberry and grape sitting. we'll see how it turns out!

  4. This storage method will hopefully prevent any more little "incidents!" ;-)


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