Spring is in the air! I realize that it is only January, but I am starting to see signs of it everywhere!
Today, on my way into town, I saw Camellia bushes with buds on them. Those will be followed by the magnificent displays of the flowering plum, cherries and apple trees. And of course, no one will be able to miss the unforgettable magnolia blossom show!
My crocus's and daffodil's are starting to poke up out of the dirt and the lilac trees and rhododendron bushes are swollen with the promise of spring. The bird's are chirping and the geese are returning in perfectly synchronized vee formations, on their way to greener pastures. Thankfully, our pasture isn't green yet!
Have I mentioned that I love spring?
Other signs of the changing season's are the gazillion seed catalogs that are starting to pile up on the coffee table. Not to mention the coupons from these companies that have managed to spring up in my inbox.
Here is some of my to-do's that need to-doing...
~order honeybees and get the hives started (this is our first year!)
~pick up some mason bees from the local nursery for our orchard area
~place a chick order either at our local feed store or order from an online hatchery.
~start looking for a heifer calf to replace Ms. Bailey, who will be retiring from motherhood after this next calf is born...she deserves to live out the rest of her life with a little peace and quiet, don't you think?
~order heirloom tomato seeds from Seeds of Change
~place order at local nursery for flats of petunia starts
~finish deer fencing around the garden area before the deer discover the budding fruit trees!
~build grapevine supports
~change chicken coop shavings (*yuck*)
~plant fir seedlings
~clean out the greenhouse and build a raised bed on the floor
~cover garden area with tarps to prevent weed seeds from sprouting
~get nursery order ready for blueberry bushes, marionberry vines, walnut trees, strawberry plants, and raspberry vines
~build strawberry bed
~build 2nd chicken yard for the chicks
~build chicken tractor
~start bringing in the cat food, so the raccoon mommies can't teach the raccoon babies how to get a free meal
~start locking the chickens in at night, so the raccoon families don't start looking at our "girls" as an all-you-can-eat buffet! I will say this about the raccoon family...they are a very hospitable bunch. They usually invite the coyote family to join them!
While some of these can wait a little, it's never too early to start planning!
And, if Old Man Winter rears his beautiful white head in February, well, I guess my list will just get longer while I enjoy one more dance with winter.
The way you describe spring makes me yearn for it all over again. It has been terribly hot here and I have been wishing for a cool change but if it was spring all year round I'd be one happy girl :)
Wow- that's a lot to do in one day! LOL! :) I sooooooooo want honey bees but hubby has said no until we have a larger piece of property. I think he wants the bees to be like 3 acres away. ;)
I love spring and summer too, but I got to say, thinking about yard work in while winter is still going on is making my back hurt already! Im cracking up about your racoons though, we usually put a few fish in our little water feature every year and without fail, they end up being a fish feast for the neighborhood racoon(s)...have never caught them in the act but I think there is only one. Big one too, if the size of the footprints are any indication.
Didn't you guys buy an outdoor lab to scare away the deer?? :) If you had one you wouldn't really hafta build fence to keep em out...just saying. :)
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