
Sunday, October 24, 2010


Home at last.

As I pull myself out from under the mounds of dirty laundry, my frame of mind becomes less and less relaxed. In fact, I'm in complete panic mode right now as I try to play catch-up on all of the things that have been neglected.

For instance, my garden has almost returned back to the state it was in BEFORE we tilled a garden plot. If one were going for a jungle theme for their yard, mine would qualify as authentically jungle. Our chickens seem to have multiplied while we were away and the eggs are spilling out of every crack and crevice of our spare fridge. The deer that my Mister got has been cut and wrapped and the sausage has been made, but the freezers need to be defrosted if the meat is to be saved. There are maple leaves covering the driveway, walkways and porches, the ladybugs are infiltrating the boundaries of our windows and doors and the........

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
...Oh yeah. Breathe.

 I don't have to do everything today. In fact, there is good amongst the chaos. The weeds and dying plants in the garden will be tilled under eventually, adding nutrients back into the soil. Eggs are good and it does take 12 to make an angel food cake...I like cake; we do have an empty freezer to use while we defrost; the maple leaves are prettier than the mud and ladybugs in the house give my boys something to vacuum, thus allowing me some free time to quilt! 

It's good to be home.

Here's what's cookin' this week...

Simple Soaked Oatmeal w/ blueberries
Egg salad sandwiches, apple slices
Swiss Barley Risotto (new), meatloaf, rustic bread (new)

Scrambled eggs and sausage
Meatloaf sandwiches on rustic bread (leftovers), apples
Mashed potatoes & homemade gravy (recipe to follow), elk steak, spinach salad

Buttermilk biscuits w/ sausage gravy (recipe to follow)
Simple nachos, plum smoothies
Spicy split pea soup, (recipe to follow), cornbread

  Pennsylvania Dutch Baked Oatmeal
Leftover split pea soup, cornbread
Potato/Corn Chowder, rustic bread, garden salad

Cream of Wheat Porridge
Leftover chowder, crackers, apples
Chicken & homemade noodles, rustic bread

Speltcakes, homemade hot chocolate (new)
Leftover Chicken and noodles
Sloppy Joe's, salad

Simple Sunday Supper (leftovers or tbd on way home from church!)

Gingerbread w/ spiced pear sauce (new)
Angel Food Cake

I will be reorganizing my site over the next couple, or 10, weeks, making it easier to find recipes and allowing me a chance to see just exactly what recipes I've shared. Some of my earlier recipes are tucked into other posts, so don't be surprised (if you're a follower) to see multiple, daily posts as I give each recipe their own place.

They just want to be loved too.

Blessings for a wonderful week!

For more meal ideas, visit The Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Mondays!


  1. Spicy split pea soup sounds delicious to me! Great menu plan you've got here.

    I hope you'll stop by and visit sometime over at Free 2 Be Frugal.

  2. Looking for some good meal ideas. Happy Menu planning. Have a great week.

    Nina (Author)


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