
Sunday, July 24, 2011

An Easy-Peasy Whole Food Meal Plan...

What a  tough day this turned out to be. After 5 glorious days with my daughter Kelsie, and 2 beautiful granddaughters, it has come to an end. I will treasure these last days and keep them close to my heart...and telephone...until next month when we'll be heading down that way for a vacation.

I will not forget the moment when Maddie made up a special song and serenaded us with her Minnie Mouse on helium voice.

"♫I love my mommy and my Nana...I sooooooooo happy...♫"

Yeah. That got me.

I will not forget how Emmie lit up every time I walked into the room.

Or that she seemed to be rather fond of suckling my chin.

I will not forget the tractor ride with 3 adults and 7 children in the blueberry fields. Or how blue everyone's mouths were even though there was a sign clearly stating to "pay before sampling".


I will treasure the babies' baths in the kitchen sink, even though Maddie really didn't fit, but loved it the most. Or that "Nana has the best books and movies, Mommy." Or that that little precious, almost 3 year old would rather share Nana's ice cream than have her very own bowl.

And I really won't forget how Maddie stated that she "wanted to live with Nana forever."

I'm currently on Kleenex box #2.

And don't even get me started on how much I'm going to miss spending time with my "when-did-she-grow-up?" daughter. I started missing her 5 minutes after she arrived!

What I will need therapy to forget however, is that on Day 5, we realized that we had unknowingly exposed them all to strep throat. (Who in the world has strep throat in the summer? Oh yeah, that would be us.) So far, we have 1 that tested positive for the illness. Hopefully, that will be the end of it. Unfortunately though, I'm not feeling too swell either.

I'm hoping it's just my broken heart.♥

Here's what's cookin' this week...

Popovers with turkey, raw local cheese, Garden salad w/ Ranch Dressing

Breakfast burritos (scrambled eggs, cheese, red peppers, green onions, sour cream)
Grilled hamburgers on whole wheat buns, baked sweet potato fries

Scrambled eggs, toast, raw honey
Fettuccine (brown rice noodles), with fresh Pesto sauce, Garden Salad w/Ranch Dressing


Speltcakes, with homemade blueberry syrup

Ham, Cheese, and Chive Omelette's
Date night (Kids are on their own!)

Lunches this week will be leftovers, grilled hot dogs/buns, Yogurt Smoothies, and whatever muffins are tucked away in the freezer!

For more menu ideas, visit I'm an Organizing Junkie for Menu Mondays.


  1. Sorry that you're missin' all those darlin's!! What sweet faces. :) SUPER sorry about the exposure the strep. When I saw this earlier on FB I thought "Who gets strep in the summer??" Darn it!! Hope no one else tests positive. No fun to be sick...but especially not in the summer!

  2. If it's not strep, it's the stomach flu (been going around our community and thankfully, hit only one member of our household this weekend). :(

    We truly enjoyed our blueberry picking trip on Friday and are wondering what recipe you use to make your homemade blueberry syrup as that's on my list to make.

    Will pray the strep doesn't spread; it's a nasty bug and no fun at all.

    Blessings to you and yours, Lisa :)

  3. Lisa~Here is the link to the blueberry syrup recipe I use. Super easy!

    I hope you like it as much as we do! I want to can some, so we'll be heading back out to the "island" later in the week for more berries...if the strep doesn't get us first! :)

  4. Oh my goodness, thank you for the recipe link! I actually have a lemon (organic, no less) in my fridge, so we'll be making this today! Blessings, Lisa

  5. Cute kids. How are you all, Keeping cool I hope. I am doing some blog giveaways next motnh. So invite your friends over!


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