
Monday, July 18, 2011

Meal Plan for a Nana Kind of Week 7/18-7/23

In what could possibly be my favorite week of the year, I'm going to be cooking some kid-friendly, simple meals.

Forget about Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, and Groundhog Day, this is the week that I live for. That one week where the garden takes a backseat, the laundry can pile up and flow out of the baskets, the painting projects and lawn care are forgotten, and the rocking chair becomes my favorite piece of furniture in the house.

My eldest daughter, Kelsie, and her two beautiful babies are coming to visit!

This is my BLISS.

Madison, Nana, and baby Emily

Here's what's cookin'...

Granola (finishing a bathroom & wrapping up the living room painting project)
Salsa Chicken, brown rice, garden salad w/ Ranch dressing

~Tuesday~ (They're here!)
Cranberry Pumpkin Muffins (still new), scrambled eggs
Grilled Barbecue Chicken Pizza (new), Homemade Cherry Ice Cream (new)

Macaroni & Cheese (new), Salmon Patties, Yogurt Fruit Salad (berries, pineapple, bananas, vanilla yogurt)

Blueberry Muffins, Yogurt Smoothies
Thai Cashew Chicken, brown rice, Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream


Out to dinner for our last night

Madison, almost 3, LOVES blueberries. Last summer during her visit, Poppa and Nana took her to the blueberry fields at Sauvie Island where we picked a wagon full of berries. Madison is smart. And she remembers everything.

Guess where we'll be heading this week?



For more meal planning ideas, head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie for Menu Mondays.

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