
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Meal Plan for 12/11

Because this week will be a little more stressful than usual, I've decided to have a little fun.

Keeps people guessin'.

So this week, we're putting away the school books (until after the holidays), and we're dragging out the glue gun. It's time I teach these kids how to use a real weapon. With my arsenal of glue sticks, we'll be making a primitive banner for the fireplace, some vintage-looking, glittery birds for the tree, and a stocking for the newest member of the family, Emily Jane. We'll also be putting together a gluten-free baking list, cleaning out the chicken coop, and decorating an outdoor tree for our fine feathered friends.

My biopsy is scheduled for Tuesday morning, with results as soon as the end of the week, so the plan is to keep me busy.

With lots of noise.

Keeps me from thinkin' too much.☺

Here's what's cookin' this week...

Pot roast, mashed potatoes/gravy, green beans


Almond Joy Granola (recipe this week!), Coconut milk fruit smoothie (for mom)
Kelsie's choice

Almond Joy Granola, yogurt & fruit (for mom)
Taco Mac & Cheese (new), fruit salad

Simple Soaked Oatmeal w/ blueberries & toasted walnuts
French Lentil Soup (carried from last week), sourdough

Sourdough pancakes (for family), Buckwheat pancakes (for mom~new)
Christmas party potluck

Scrambled eggs & deer sausage
Teriyaki Chicken, brown rice, steamed broccoli or Swiss chard

This post is linked to Menu Mondays.


  1. I will be praying you on Tuesday and for buckwheat pancakes don't forget the salt and pepper.

  2. May your biopsy be as pain free as possible and may the results come to you quickly. Waiting is horrible. Prayers for you blog friend

  3. It sounds like you have a lot planned to keep you occupied! {{HUGS}} for Tuesday!

  4. Hello Kim,
    You are in our hearts and prayers. I have been living on the words of a dear friend, His strength is made PERFECT in our weaknesses. It's only in weakness that we know His strength. I am nearly two weeks on a no grain, no milk meal plan (rice, potatoes, veges & lean meat). So much for the 165+ pounds of sausage we just made!??! The only thing I intend to add back into my day is my coffee! (oh I miss it!)May you be filled with peace that permeates your every breath my friend. - sending our love

  5. Hope everything went well this am. Thinking about you and praying for healing and knowledge


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