
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Menu Monday {Week of Dec. 18-24}

'Tis the season...

...for last minute dashes to town to get some forgotten, but highly important ingredient,

...for wrapping paper pieces on the floor and scotch tape stuck to the hair,

...for get-togethers and Christmas programs,

...for noses pressed against windows, waiting for snow,

...for Christmas lights and "It's a Wonderful Life,

...for eggnog and candy-sprinkled, gluten-free cookies.

Now that you know what's up at my house, tell me, what's going on at yours? Am I the only one running around like a crazed psycho-mom, who has some serious time-management issues?

Please say no. I beg you.

Last week, I made a list and before I could check it twice, the week was over! I'm not entirely sure where it went, but I'm fairly certain I was jipped a few hours. Each day. So, this week we are going to try again. This week we will do all the crafty projects that were planned, bake all the sweets that are on the list (just as soon as I find the list!), and even try to manage a movie marathon of "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Story". Of course, I may be sleeping during the marathon, but it will be on.☺

A quick update on the biopsy results. Some of you already know this, but last week's biopsy didn't go as well as expected. The pathologist didn't find some cells that are actually supposed to be in the thyroid, so this week I'll be having a second biopsy. *sigh* Just add it to the list...

Here's what's cookin' this week...

Teriyaki Chicken, brown rice, green salad w/ Green Goddess dressing (I'll share the recipe this week.)

French Lentil Soup, green salad w/ Green Goddess dressing

Sourdough Pancakes
Pan-Seared Citrus-Glazed Salmon over Wilted Spinach (new), Avocado Quinoa Salad (new)

~Wednesday~ (biopsy day)
Cinnamon Spiced Granola (new)
Cincinnati Chili, green salad w/Lime Vinaigrette (new)

Swiss cheese & Green onion omelette's
Vegetarian Chipotle Chili (new), Kim's Kornbread

Simple Soaked Oatmeal w/ blueberries & almonds
Spicy Split Pea Soup (not new, but I haven't posted it yet~oops!), Kim's Kornbread

Hashbrowns, scrambled eggs
Sloppy Joes, 3-Bean Salad

~Christmas Day~
Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls (Heaven help me~because I sure can't!)
Dinner: Grass-fed Prime Rib, Potatoes Au Gratin, Broccoli Salad, Raw Cranberry Relish, Rolls, and a whole bunch of different desserts...but I'll have to get back to you on that one...once I've narrowed it down to single digits.

I like pie.☺

This post is linked to Menu Mondays.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry that you have to repeat the biopsy. Is someone different doing it this time? Hugs and prayers coming.

    Like you, I'm running around like a mad woman. I do think hours disappear at this time of year and when events and "To Dos" are increasing, it's not a good combination.

    Kids have been sick, so we literally just got finished decorating our tree yesterday!

  2. I like pie, too. It's the perfect dessert.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that your biopsy comes out just fine.

  3. I hope the biopsy goes better this week!
    I think things always take longer to complete than we think they are going to. It took me ALL DAY to make the Christmas candy that I thought I would be done with by noon! LOL!!


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