
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Menu Monday 11/29/10

AND WE'RE OFF....!!!!

Now that Thanksgiving is but a fading memory, except in the upper thigh area, the holiday rush can officially begin in my home.

As long as someone else is doing it.

Because sometimes life throws a curve-ball or two.

Actually, it feels as if the pitching machine was turned on "fast" and malfunctioned, pelting me with rotting, frayed, dog-slobbered balls....

A couple of weeks ago, my back decided to take the vacation that I had denied it all year. I can deal with that. After all, everyone needs a vacation now and again. But then, the "neighbor", we'll call him "Sciatica" for kicks, decided that he is far more deserving of this vacation, so he butts in and starts calling the shots.

I'm not really a fan of "Sciatica".

After enduring my first MRI, courtesy of our local hospital, I have been diagnosed with a ruptured disc in my lower back. It seems "Sciatica" had a little party and forgot to clean up, so now it looks as if a neurosurgeon gets the job. 

Just in time for the holidays.

So, why am I telling you this? Well, actually, seeing it here makes it more real for me. I'm not Wonder Woman. I can't do everything. I'm not even sure how all of this is going to play out. What I am sure of is that God is control of this situation. The important stuff will get done and the rest will just have to wait. 

I wasn't going to do a meal plan for this week, but my Mister reminded me that this is when meal planning is the most important. He also said it's important to let people see the "real me". 

I'll spare you the pictures.

You'll thank me for it.

So, here's the real me, planning a week's worth of meals, that my family will get the pleasure of preparing.

Kind of sounds like a vacation doesn't it?

Here's what's cooking...

Crockpot Salsa Chicken w/ Soaked Brown Rice, green salad

Turkey and Brown Rice Soup, Rustic Bread

Steel Cut Nutty Oats w/ bananas
Chuck Roast w/ potatoes & carrots, spinach salad

Scrambled Eggs & Sausage
Salmon Quiche, Broccoli Salad, devilled eggs

Homemade Granola
Sloppy Joes, baked Sweet Potato Fries, lacto-fermented sauerkraut

Yogurt/Granola Parfaits
Cheeseburger Soup, Rustic Bread

Soaked Oatmeal
Chili, Cornbread

Lunches will be on a need-to-know basis...I don't really want to know...

...but the kids say they have it covered!

(Should I be afraid?)


  1. You should be very afraid. I am so, so sorry that your back is out. That is just a terrible feeling.

    Hope your family likes soaked oatmeal :)

    I hope you are back on your feet soon.

  2. OH MY GOSH!!!! I didn't mean to put oatmeal for every breakfast~blame it on the meds!!! It is now corrected...whew~that was a close family likes oatmeal, but if they turn on me, I can't run away! ;) Thank you Cindy!

  3. Hi Kim,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your back problem.
    Hpefully the doc's can have you up and running in no time but until then rest up and take it easy...easier said than done I know!

    But really take care and know that you'll be in my prayers.
    And thank you for thinking of us when you must be in so much pain...Get Well Soon

  4. What's wrong with oatmeal every morning???!! ;)
    I hope that your sugery goes well and that the kids actually make something edible for lunch. ♥

  5. be afraid... be very afraid!! Think twice about letting them make you lunch! When my boys make me lunch it's everything out of the cupboards and out of the fridge - whether or not it makes any sense! Olives and peanut butter here we come! - oh, I wish I was as organized as you are with meals!

    Take care of yourself...I'll be praying for you.


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