
Monday, February 27, 2012

A March Menu

February was a bust as far as the food budget goes. I don't have the official numbers yet, but I know that it's going to be bad. Remember how I went to the allergist and found that I'm allergic to practically everything in my pantry? 

Well, I panicked.

Then I went shopping.

Then I panicked some more.

Then shopped even more.

It's a vicious cycle I tell ya.

Last week I got the blood test results back. I tested negative for Celiac disease so I went out and had myself a big old hamburger, white bun and all. And it was "When Harry Met Sally" good.

Then it wasn't.

So, here's what I know. Beef is NOT my friend. It causes an inflammatory reaction that makes my thumbs swell and feet hurt. 

Bread is NOT my friend either. It gives me a horrible headache and causes my tummy to do very bad things. At the very least, I'm gluten intolerant.

And shellfish~how I loved thee. Now it causes my throat to tighten up as if I have a scarf wound too tightly around my neck. After abstaining from chicken and eggs for 2 weeks, I am finding that I have zero problems with either, so they're back on the menu. I'm adding peanuts back in this week, so we'll have to wait and see how they fare.

Here's what I know about food allergies...if you have a shellfish allergy, Red Lobster is not a restaurant you need to visit. Asking for an allergy menu does nothing to set the food server's mind at ease. In fact, I'm fairly certain when she returned with the special menu she was packin'. 

An epi-pen, I mean. 

Poor gal. We tipped her well.

 I'm still wondering why my Mister took me there to begin with...☺

Here's what's cookin' this month...

2/27~Butternut Thai Curry Soup, broiled asparagus

2/28~Crockpot Peanutty Thai Chicken (new), soaked brown rice, broiled asparagus

2/29~Chicken Tortilla Soup, Cheesy Jalapeno Cornbread (new)

3/1~Spicy Turkey Sausage Pasta Sauce (new) over brown rice pasta, Caesar Salad

3/2~Lazy Chiles Rellenos Casserole, Easy Cheesy Pepper Corn (new)

3/3~Split Pea/Sweet Potato Soup (new), GF Biscuits

3/4~Beef Stew with Orange & Cloves (new), sourdough rolls (family)
Garden salad with Balsamic Dressing (me)

3/5~Loaded Sloppy Joes (with ground turkey breast), baked french fries

3/6~Italian White Bean Soup (new), garden salad w/ Balsamic Dressing

3/7~Fiesta Mexi-Chicken (new), soaked brown rice

3/8~Crockpot Potatoes Au Gratin, fried venison, green peas

3/9~Spicy Black Bean Soup (new), Cheesy Jalapeno Cornbread

3/10~Spicy Thai Noodles (still new), using brown rice pasta

3/11~Mexi-beans (new), soaked brown rice, tortilla chips and salsa

3/12~Minestrone Soup (new recipe), Gf Biscuits

3/13~One Pot Mexi-Mac, green salad w/ Lime Vinaigrette

Leftover Broccoli Soup (me)

3/16~Lentil Burritos (brown rice tortillas for me)

3/17~Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, green peas

3/18~Crockpot Orange Chicken (new), Jasmine rice

3/19~Fancy Schmancy Macaroni & Cheese, elk steak, green beans

3/20~Pineapple Pepper Chili (new)

3/21~Spinach & Herb Risotto (new), Roast, garden salad w/ Balsamic Dressing

3/22~Gf Pumpkin Waffles (new), fruit salad

3/23~Caribbean Black Bean Soup (new), deviled eggs

3/24~Cincinnati Chili (with brown rice noodles)

3/26~Toe Warmin' Chili, Cheesy Jalapeno Cornbread

3/27~Shopping Day 
Chili Baked Potatoes, sweet corn

Breakfasts~Yogurt Smoothies, Cinnamon or Almond Joy Granola, Omelette's, Banana Walnut Muffins, Baked Oatmeal (different variations), Brown rice or buckwheat pancakes, Simple Soaked Oatmeal, Blueberry French Toast Casserole, Breakfast Hash, Steel Cut Nutty Oats, eggs & toast

Lunches~Leftovers, toasted cheese & tuna sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches, almond butter & honey sandwiches (Our "sandwiches" are not always on bread. Sometimes they're on brown rice cakes, in wraps, or on biscuits!), popcorn & fresh fruit, layered bean dip & tortilla chips, quesadillas, Salad "buffet"

If it seems like there are a lot of new recipes, well, I found a new cookbook! I'll be using my crockpot several times a week to free up some of my afternoons for some crafting projects.

After all, a girl has to have her priorities.☺
This post is linked to Menu Mondays at Organizing Junkie.


  1. Our daughter was gluten intolerant and not celiac too. But, have you considered a yeast allergy? I was allergic to yeast for about 16 years and it is hard to isolate because you keep thinking it is the bread. I do know what you mean about panicking and shopping because you just feel like you won't be able to find anything to eat in the house and then you will STARVE!! Even though I am food allery and intolerance free now my brain just does not get it many days and I forget that I can eat anything. It is still so weird after 27 years of being able to eat almost nothing.

  2. "When Harry Met Sally" good... rofl! :)

    God has truly gifted you with a wonderful sense of humor Kim! So glad to see you keeping and using it as you walk through your dietary changes. Blessings, ~Lisa

  3. Momma-lana~Oh how I wish it were only yeast, but that tested negative. I'm even finding that just touching grains with gluten in them is causing a reaction. It was suggested that I may have received a "false negative" for Celiac's because I hadn't had any gluten for a couple of months. But in order to retest, I would have to eat a lot of grains/breads over a 2-3 month period, then be retested. It's just not worth it to me to go through the misery. I'm so glad to hear that you are now allergy/intolerance free!!! That's what I'm aiming for!!

    Thank you Lisa~I believe that we since we are created in God's image, He must have a great sense of humor!! That would explain a lot...:)

  4. Hi, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but as you are struggling with food allergies and sensitivities you might want to check out the GAPS diet. Increasing research is showing food issues are linked to gut issues (disbyosis). You might also be interested in Ann Marie of Cheeseslave and her story about healing food allergies through the GAPS diet. :) Sorry if this is duplicated information, but we (and others we know personally) have had such success healing and helping food issues that I have to share. :)

  5. I love the idea of using the slow cooker to free up time for crafting! :) Rice cakes are good, a lot of people just think of them as *diet* food! Glad you were at least able to add chicken and eggs back in, creates more options.

  6. Chara~Thanks for the info! I'm actually looking into it. Just need to make sure that the bone broth I'd be eating wouldn't have a negative effect.

    Candy~Rice cakes are yummy!

  7. As someone who has just discovered her gluten-intolerant condition, I really appreciate your menus (and humor). And thank you SO much for the GF biscuits. It almost made me cry...

  8. I left this link for you a few weeks ago but here is the website for the treatment my daughters and I did to all become food allergy free.
    You have a practitioner somewhat near you in Oregon.

    When our oldest daughter was gluten intolerant she could not come to visit us if I had cooked anything with gluten in the last 24 hours because it was in the air and she would react. Her and her husband had a gluten free home.

  9. Momma-lana~Thank you for the site. I must've read it last time "pre-coffee." I'm thinking that I probably shouldn't allow any gluten in the house. I cut a loaf of sourdough for my family last night and am paying for it now.

    Susan~I'm glad you like the meal plans! (And the humor!) ;)


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