In my previous post, I stated that I only had a grocery budget of $75 to feed our family on this week. That's what I had left after ordering 25# of organic bread flour for $24.95! Our actual budget is $100 per week and every other month we allow an extra $100 to replace staple items, such as coffee, flour, salt, etc... For a family of 8 (still eating at home!) that doesn't stretch very far!
We are blessed to be able to live on a large piece of property where we can raise our own eggs and beef. Without that, I imagine our bill would be closer to $150/week! Except for the occassional package of chicken, I'm able to skip (happily, I might add!) right on by the meat department! This week, I casually "strolled" through the chicken section!
Grocery Outlet
2 boxes of organic beef $1.98
2 quarts 1/2 & 1/2 $3.78
T.P. $6.99 (very important to stay ahead on this one!)
2 gallons milk $5.98
Winco Foods
Bulk organic granola (3.57#) $8.25
Pineapple juice $2.99
Lemon juice $3.02
Fish sauce $3.25
1 can of green chilies $1.48
Large can of frozen orange juice $1.98
1 box of black tea bags $4.22
2 lbs. cheddar $4.98
Coriander $3.70
Spinach $3.98
2 bags of frozen corn $2.76
Chicken drumsticks (1.18#) $4.31
Bulk elbow macaroni (1.46#) $0.93
Bulk cornstarch (1.46#) $1.11
Sour cream $2.93
Bulk organic sugar (4.87#) $4.72
2 bunches of green onions $1.16
2 small lemons $0.56
Tortilla chips $2.58
Grand total~$77.87
Whenever possible, I try to purchase organic products. While this is a personal preference for my family, I realize that it is not for everyone. When deciding what makes the "organic" list, I determine how much of it our family is using. For instance, coffee is something that 4 people in my family consume on a daily basis. Most coffees are made with too many chemicals to fathom, so we choose to order organic coffee from a semi-local business. We also only use organic cereals. As a homeschool mom/teacher, it can be impossible to teach if my children are on sugar highs or freaking out on food dyes! It is extremely important to read labels!!!! If you cannot pronounce the ingredients, DO NOT BUY IT!!!!!
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