Frugal Fridays
A few years ago, while my husband was transitioning from logger to nurse, we had to get creative on how our money (or lack of) was spent. For a time, our income was only enough to make our house payment and buy a few groceries. In fact, one year, we netted only $12,000! For a family of 11, those were some lean times. A lot was learned during that time, and even though money isn't as tight now, we still work hard to practice frugality. After all, spending a little money on a road trip to Yellowstone is more rewarding than say, an electric bill or a fill-up for the car! So today marks the beginning of "Frugal Friday". Every week, I'll share a frugal "tip" that has worked for us, and I'll even share some that didn't make the cut! (And oh, there's been a few!)
Tip #1: Avoid unnecessary trips to town.
Case in point. On Wednesday, we were asked to donate 2 dozen cupcakes to the annual Pinewood Derby Race at our church. (If you don't know what that is, you are missing out on something special!) There were was a problem in committing to this.

A little parchment paper, a c.d., pencil and pinking shears to the rescue! Oh yeah, and a lot of patience. Times 10!

See how thoughtful I am? ( Don't bother counting these...somebody ate a couple!)
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