Until this morning, I had no idea that such an award even existed. I'm pretty new to blogging and completely computer challenged, so navigating around blogsites is best done when back-up is around.
Yes, my daughter's real name is "Back-up". She helps me retrieve sites that I've "misplaced" and has taught me how to open new tabs before leaving one place for another. "Back-up" also explained what the bleep sound was and why my computer was making it. I still don't understand, but it has something to do with holding down the control button while clicking the mouse.
I suppose there is room for improvement. "Back-up" may need reinforcements.
Back to the award...Heather nominated me to be part of the list of blogs that she thought should get a lemonade stand award. I'm going to use her words because they are much more eloquent than mine.
"It is to be awarded to bloggers that show great attitude and gratitude."
Here's where I get to nominate my favorite 10 blogs. There are rules in accepting this award.
~Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
~Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude and gratitude.
~Link the nominees within your post.
~Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
~Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
And in no particular order...
1. Heavenly Homemakers (because Laura inspired me with her meal plans, homeschooling and child raising. And she makes me laugh to boot!)
2. Grocery Cart Challenge (because Gail taught me that grocery shopping does NOT have to break the bank!)3. Dining with Debbie (because Debbie is a sweet southern lady who can cook!)
4. Nana's Cottage (because Kym-Anne has a heart of gold and some mad scrapbooking skills!)
5. Real Food, Less Money (because Millie is not only from the beautiful state of Wyoming, she is a follower of Nourishing Traditions and doesn't just talk the talk, but walks in it daily.)
6. Finding Joy in My Kitchen (because I find joy in SnoWhite's kitchen too!)
7. Natural on a Budget (because Lori knows how to eat real foods without having to take out a loan!)
8. Peaceful Home (because Lainie has 8 kids, homeschools, and has fabulous ideas for keeping a...well, peaceful home!)
9. Life in a Small Town (because Michaela is another homeschooling mom who follows a "nourishing" lifestyle!)
10. Mountain Home Quilts (because Heather makes awesome quilts, loves the Lord and is a fellow "farmgirl at heart"!
Thank you Heather!
My Gratituesday is for all of my blogging friends who contribute to my daily dose of happiness. You are right up there next to my first cup of coffee!
Thank you, thank you! I can't wait to look at some of your favorite blogs- they sound good! :)
Thanks so much for the award. That was really sweet of you to present it to me...and you know how much I LOVE anything to do with lemons! I hope you will join me again soon for Crock Pot Wednesday. Have a great week.
Awww shucks :)
Thank you so much for the award, your such a sweetheart.
I love your blog too, your posts always give me a chuckle and a big smile :D
I'm so happy I've made such an awesome friend,xxxxx
Thank you!
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