I am happy to say that my early years with pickled cabbage did not deter me from trying it as an adult. But now, instead of store-bought, we make our own, using only cabbage, salt and a crock. This isn't going to be a tutorial on the art of kraut making, but more of an introduction to fermenting your own foods.
Back in the "olden" days, before refrigeration (*gasp*), people used to ferment their foods as a means of preserving them. They also knew that "soured" food made them feel better. Fermented foods were commonly prescribed for digestive problems, aches, and illnesses. What they didn't know was that foods that had been salted and left to sit on the counter, not only soured, but "grew" healthy bacteria. This process is called, "lacto-fermenting." When the newly grown bacteria enters the body, it needs to "eat", so it goes after the bad bacteria. It's kind of like an internal game of "Pac-man". (I figure that if the Pac-man is happy and well fed, he won't turn on me!) When we're sick and are prescribed antibiotics, it is important to take a supplement like Acidophilus, or eat yogurt that has live cultures. Antibiotics are not "good/bad" driven...they kill ALL of the bacteria. Our bodies were not meant to function without the "good" stuff.
What kinds of foods can you ferment? Vegetables, fruits, dairy products and grains are all good choices. In fact, I regularly soak my fresh ground whole wheat flour overnight in buttermilk to make the wheat easier to digest. (Only soak what is needed to complete a recipe!) At any given time, you will find all kinds of foods "souring" on my counter!

If you aren't into (and who wouldn't be?) lacto-fermenting food in your own kitchen, most health food stores carry lacto-fermented sauerkraut and pickles. And if this is something that you'd like to learn more about, check out "Nourishing Traditions", by Sally Fallon. This is more than a cookbook, it is filled with eye-opening information that no family should be without.
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